Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by don Friday, Oct 26 2012, 10:33am
international / poetry / post

rest easy amour
u weren’t to know;
consider it a perfect harmonisation
that carried u out of this world

vocalise ur escape,
from torment
to the easy undulations
of another world with
rhythmic seas
and humming light

it was unplanned
ur departure,
accidental, tho u tempted
fate once too often
and fate never forgoes
an opportunity
to steal a soul

ur frantic search
led u here, briefly
i felt a presence and turned
there u were, confused
dishevelled, u could not identify
that for which u searched --
but all frantic minds
subside in the end
vision stabilises
and cognition returns

perhaps now we could return
to the plateau
under the Egyptian sun
and bathe in its light
like days gone by
when as incestuous
brother and sister
we copulated in the rushes
by the banks of the Nile

the priests saw fit to Deify us --
our unnatural embraces
produced a son
who became the Eye
of God completing a triadic
dynamic, which persists
to this day

i miss ur sad laments
and soul-rending songs
of love, heartache
and pain,
u tore urself to pieces
in ur quest for fulfilment

rest easy now my amour
the warble of night-birds will carry
you to paradise
and peace

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-201.html