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China Declares War on US/Israeli Proxy Fighting Group ISIL
by claire Sunday, Nov 22 2015, 9:20pm
international / prose / post

In an undisguised strategic move to support ally Russia, Xi Jingping has finally made an attempt to prove to the world that China has balls – though they may be the size of rice grains -- and is willing to involve his powerful nation in geostrategic affairs, as indeed is an IMPERATIVE for any superpower.


The UK Mirror recently reported that Xi Jingping has openly declared war on ISIL and other terrorist groups, which announcement, if Xi backs up his ‘words’ with ACTION, would alter the entire complexion of Middle Eastern political intrigues on the ground. It would add further pressure on Obama and Netanyahu to cease supplying terrorist groups with arms, training (Jordan) and professional military leadership on the ground, notwithstanding that US Gulf State vassals and NATO Turkey have been quietly flying ISIL fighters in Syria out of harms way to Saudi controlled areas in Yemen. This outrageous situation – terrorist support by America and its vassals -- which has been broadly reported in the mainstream press, must cease as supplying and supporting terrorist groups at war with sovereign states is not only highly illegal it only adds fuel to the already destructive fire on the ground.

It should not be forgotten that demented Saudi prince Bandar once threatened Putin to his face, “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us,” by admitting in a (leaked) private conversion with the Russian leader that the Saudis control Sunni terrorist groups in the Middle East and Chechnya, indeed, Chechen fighters compromise a large percentage of the terrorist groups fighting for their masters in Syria. Prince Bandar went on to say, “… that Chechens operating in Syria were a pressure tool that could be switched on an off. “These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role in Syria’s political future.” Now, it could be claimed that Bandar is full of shit, however, evidence of Saudi involvement in supporting and arming Sunni terrorist groups worldwide is overwhelming.

If China follows Russia’s LEGAL, ACTIVE and highly effective lead then perhaps the real criminals in Washington behind all the horrific wars over the past 15 years could finally be held to account for their many heinous crimes against humanity.

The US, NATO and vassals (now re-thinking their legal positions) HAVE NO HOPE against a combined Russian and Chinese military – notwithstanding that ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’ would be the outcome, but Washington neocons are not known for their sanity; nevertheless, China and Russia clearly pose the strongest deterrent to Western State sponsored terrorism and the continuing needless bloodshed and chaos the world is experiencing today.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1995.html