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Oh, What Tangled Webs Washington Weaves!
by cyd Tuesday, Nov 10 2015, 1:59am
international / prose / post


Since the US armed and trained its initial proxy fighting forces in Afghanistan with the express purpose of combating and defeating its once arch rival the USSR, it has become addicted to utilising the services of fanatic Jihadi fighting groups on the ground that incidentally, have their own agendas -- bear that in mind if you wish to understand the US created fiasco in the Middle East today. The US has utilised the expensive services of murdering fanatics ever since Afghanistan and Libya; it is also well known that Americans have a pathological fear of death and injury but that should never extend to any military as facing death and injury is part of the job description.

US 'Special Operations' Training Centre in Amman
US 'Special Operations' Training Centre in Amman

However, today, the majority of American military personnel are soft, cowardly chicken-shits made very plain to the international community by puppet president Obama when he gleefully announced to the world that the USA was able to pursue its hegemonic agenda without putting “boots on the ground” in Libya -- the proxy forces utilised at the time were al-Qaeda and the spawning rabble that has since been organised and become known as ISIL/ISIS/Daesh.

It should not be forgotten that the USA has lost every major war since and including the Korean conflict, with the sole exception of booting Saddam out of Kuwait, a case of a sledge hammer used to defeat a mosquito -- loath the prospect of injury or death and never mind the cost, printing money as needed is easy, though that imbecilic strategy will also prove fatal to the USA on the economic front.

Well, it seems that ‘if you’re on a good thing stick to it,’ and that advertising slogan seems not only to apply to a commercial insecticide but also to the bereft ‘geniuses’ in Washington, Virginia, the Pentagon and ‘think-tank-land’. However, as every housewife knows everything has a ‘use-by’ date and that applies to proxy fighting groups, which change sides at a whim, are a bottomless pit of exhausting finances while at the same time fail miserably to accomplish their missions, welcome to Syria today!

The USA became intoxicated with its early successes, the ‘divide and conquer’ strategy using proxy fighting forces seemed the way to go and its current failures are simply explained away as “setbacks.” However, the USA has never been challenged by a major military, as has recently occurred in Syria. The shocking, for Washington, successes of Russia’s legal military intervention in Syria has resulted in US (dreamboat) strategists running circles in Washington; Russia has effectively delivered a message by DEMONSTRATION, that world domination dreams are over, though any historian could have stated the same. Russia’s precision short, medium and long range missiles, Sukhoi fighter jets, attack helicopters, and not to forget the wireless/coms jamming capability of the Russians, which is far superior to anything the US has, and also partner China’s super-long range anti-carrier missiles, all simply highlight the fact that the dream for global domination is over, the US is already spread far too thin around the globe and has been forced to put (shock-horror) ‘boots on the ground’ in Syria, and this forced escalation is just the beginning, the entire situation is ready to implode at once for the US, I would hasten to add, especially when the Serbs make their move in the Balkans, you didn’t see that one coming though any military historian could have told you never to turn your back on the Serbs, they have a history of fighting continually for centuries regardless of appearances, are you reading this Putin and Xi, it’s time for a visit to Belgrade?

The Pentagon is now facing the prospect of having to deploy its chicken-shit, techno-dependent soft military personnel in the firing line in a number of theatres as it’s all coming apart at the seams, any housewife could have told them about product expiry dates, which of course dreamboat think-tankers never even considered, hence Washington now appears more like a headless chicken food processing plant than anything else. How many years has high-tech, advanced weaponry, super-duper, indispensable, legend in own mind, el-supremo America been fighting a rag tag bunch of ill-equipped, non-professional Afghan fighters and LOSING? Fourteen (14) painful years, this REALITY and more to come will shape the events of the future but be sure to tune in to your favourite American TV ‘news’ station if reality becomes bothersome, you will be assured that everything is going just fine in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria and America always wins, at least in the demented minds of neocons and the prostitute American press.

I have personally witnessed reality hit various forms of pathologies in the past and when it hits it hits hard and recovery is slow, the effects take many years to overcome – are you reading this you bereft dunces in the halls of American ‘power?’ Quick, print more money and load the cargo planes with weapons, we’ve found another group of fighters that assure us of victory, though they look strangely familiar! Get a fuckin’ grip doodles and never forget when real proof becomes available that a Russian passenger airliner was downed by terrorists over Egypt, Putin will have carte blanc to eliminate every Jihadi terrorist in the Middle East and Central Asia. “Oh, what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive!”

It’s time for a knee-jerk, decisive (chaotic) action as usual, America, we can depend on you to trigger WWIII and so be rid of you forever – you simply cannot defeat the combined strength of Russia and China but I’m sure NATO dunces imagine you can, attack preemptively NOW, morons!

UPDATE – 10 November:

Amman: A Jordanian police officer stationed at a CIA/US sponsored ‘training centre for moderate terrorists’ and other extremist Islamist fighters, including ISIL, has killed two American trainers categorised as “contractors,” a South African mercenary/trainer  and an unspecified number of Jordanian collaborators. It is far from secret that Jordan houses many US training facilities to train Jihadi fighters to incorporate into American supported proxy fighting groups. However, this detestable and treasonous situation does not sit well with patriotic Jordanians, including, it appears, the ‘police’ officer that opened up on the real enemies of Jordan.

Obama expressed ‘serious concern’ over news of the attack on its training facility, so he should, for obvious reasons; it was a US/CIA facility and the attack indicates that the population may have had enough of their treasonous Monarch, King Abdullah, who is an undisguised US lackey as are other treasonous Gulf State monarchies and dictatorships.

The implications of this attack at the present time -- Russia destabilising and eliminating Jihadi fighters on the ground – is not lost on analysts and informed commentators and neither is the widely known fact that the lives of corrupt Gulf State monarchs and dictators are not worth a red cent, as they are ALL DETESTED by their respective populations, which see their rulers for what they are, corrupt, decadent, selfish/avaricious, oppressive western-serving, cowardly scum.

The mood on the ground across the entire region has changed dramatically since Russia’s intervention in Syria and the oppressed masses are ready to rid their respective nations of US lackey monarchs and other corrupt rulers – the signs are clearly evident in Palestine, Egypt, Jordan and other North African and Gulf States; and as hinted at in the above article, the entire region is ready to explode, all it would take to make the US orchestrated Arab spring look like midwinter is for one Arab nation to mount a popular revolt which would spread throughout the region like a firestorm.

This prospect is not as far-fetched as it seems, the military that protects these parasitic monarchs is comprised largely of patriotic average people and is led by aspiring would-be military rulers who would love nothing more than an opportunity to eliminate the detested by almost everyone, parasitic treasonous rulers, notwithstanding that joining a popular revolt would avoid losing one’s head at the hands of the people. This is not a fanciful notion as sources on the ground have been extremely accurate in their assessments in the past, Arab people everywhere are ready to break their chains and free their nations from Washington controlled puppet rulers.

Of course the US has once again failed to do its homework, the absurd promise made to corrupt dictators and monarchs amounts to, ‘Washington will protect you’; however, the US is now having difficulty protecting itself  as the hysterical confusion in Washington over Russia’s LEGAL and highly successful Syrian intervention, clearly indicates.   The best advice anyone could give corrupt treasonous Arab rulers is to keep your private jets fuelled and hope that the UK and US will grant you landing rights, as America has a very well-known habit of stabbing its former puppets in the back.   Whatever options are available to detested rulers, the worst would be far more preferable than falling victim to the angry hordes. It may not occur tomorrow, however, it will definitely occur in the very near future.

Treasonous Washington lackey, King Abdullah of Jordan
Treasonous Washington lackey, King Abdullah of Jordan

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