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Buddha's Door
by lex Thursday, Nov 5 2015, 10:10am
international / poetry / post

(to me)

is there a point to this,
allowing America to plunder
Australia’s gold in return for toilet paper

when it’s bitter outside would u not
seek the comfort
and warmth of a hearth,
yet people choose to remain in the cold

if a person has everything and
turns his/her back on wealth, power
prestige and fame and determines to
understand reality or die trying,
is not that heroic act commendable?
if that person discovers Truth
and maps a course for anyone to follow
is that not a compassionate act?
yet the Buddha’s door is not besieged,
is there a point to this?

a beggar accustomed to eating scraps and garbage
refuses a King’s banquet as eating refuse
has become habitual, a feast is refused
in favour of a shit sandwich

so what is the point of truth and
a harmonious life to a mind-manipulated

it is to know that gold has more
value than toilet paper and
that Truth is preferable to lies,
deceit and self-delusion

who would reject the option of peace
and harmony in favour of war,
destruction and ruination
for the profit of a few?

why offer pearls to swine
or truth to dogs,
be prudent if u value your safety?

be content to know and remain in the flow,
let the dead bury the dead

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1968.html