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The Mark of a US Client State
by rex Tuesday, Oct 23 2012, 11:59am
international / prose / post

It is a simple matter to identify an American client State these days -- the local media is full of irrelevant America news, like presidential debates, which the world regards as scripted drama between two puppets serving exactly the same interests, pure charades.


It is also a sign of a lackey government that disproportionate amounts of unpopular and irrelevant foreign media content is allowed on local media. I can only speak for most Australians when I say that interest in the Romney and Obama orchestrated 'debates' is almost nil. But this phenomena is not new; as late as the 50's Aussies were constantly exposed to media campaigns emphasising the antiquated British monarchy -- and like good little vassal citizens Aussies lined the streets of major capitals to wave little flags at the BRITISH monarchy as their motorcades drove by. I recall as a child the DAILY oath kids as young a 5 years of age were forced to take before the flag, "I honour my God, I serve my Queen and I salute the flag." Bah! Just the recollection would turn the gut of any patriot.

Nevertheless, interest in the anachronistic British royals continues to exceed that of anything the White House and CFR controlled media is able to produce, including the mindless, irrelevant and supremely boring, American presidential debates.

Rupert Murdoch and Son, James
Rupert Murdoch and Son, James

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-195.html