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Master Strategist Putin Runs Rings Around American Neocons
by jason Tuesday, Sep 29 2015, 9:17pm
international / prose / post

UPDATED - October 1, 2015

It is known by any ranking military person that ISIL could be routed almost overnight by a real military, it hasn’t occurred to date simply due to the FACT that ISIL is a created and supported US/Israeli/vassal Gulf States proxy fighting force deployed in order to redraw maps of the Middle East and install Washington compliant puppet governments in the ‘new’ Middle East, but check by master strategist Putin!

Putin toasts his Victory at 2015 UN Assembly
Putin toasts his Victory at 2015 UN Assembly

Russia has taken the initiative and put the USA, Israel and their beheading Gulf State allies between a rock and a hard place.

Keep your eye on the Russian offensive in Syria and watch how a real military handles this rather simple problem. Surely the ‘fall’ of Mosul to ISIL spells it out, 30,000 regular army troops drop their weapons and run when a few thousand minimally armed ISIL fighters approach – give me and truth/reality a break, you brain dead yankee doodle dreamboats.

I have nothing more to say except enjoy the show in Syria – as for mass murdering Neocon lunatics, PNAC, as stated previously on this site, is arsewipe!

After receiving approval from the Russian upper house, air strikes on Homs followed with unofficial reports that civilians were targeted rather than ISIL. Homs is also a command post of the so called 'moderate' terrorist groups the US supports -- I would add at this stage there is no such thing as a moderate terrorist.

Given that the unofficial reports emanating from Homs are pro US, if not from outright US agents, conclusions are easily able to be drawn on the US reaction, notwithstanding the millions of innocent civilians the US is directly responsible for slaughtering over the past 15 years as a consequence of its perpetual war strategy to destabilise entire regions and then intervene on 'humanitarian' grounds.

It is now apparent that Syria could be the spark that ignites a more aggravated conflict between the US its allies and Russia and its allies, the worst possible scenario being WWIII. We shall see, however, prepare for a monumental diplomatic and media/propaganda shit fight between two powerful opposing interests in the Middle East.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1891.html