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Obama’s 2015 UN Address: The Searing Hypocrisy and Inversion of REALITY by US Propagandists
by jude Tuesday, Sep 29 2015, 2:25am
international / prose / post

In a carefully scripted speech handed to elite puppet and errand boy, Barack Obama, the thinking, aware world, which clearly excludes the US population, was treated to yet another example of undisguised US disinformation and propaganda that flies in the face of obvious facts/reality.

The primary characteristic, by definition, of terrorism is the killing of innocent civilians therefore, which entity today is the world’s leading killer of innocent civilians and the creator of numerous failed, once stable, States? Answer, the USA! A fact easily verified by freely available information in the public domain so I need not cite the many examples available, only one, a conservative estimation of the millions cruelly murdered by the USA since the Korean war – I refer to the 2012 publication in the Washington Post by MIT academic John Tirman.

Mindful of the INDISPUTABLE fact that the USA is the world’s leading civilian killing therefore terrorist nation today, what alternatives are available to a clearly criminal, invasive state to justify its OVERT criminal actions? Of course, those alternatives are also obvious to aware citizens, as they are so manically utilised by the USA, I refer to the age old ploys of blaming the victim and/or blaming the ‘other.’

Little has changed since Geobbles and Hitler refined these propaganda methods, the (often repeated) BIG LIE and blaming the victim/other. Every negative inference and accusation Obama levels at others, are in fact the obvious crimes of the USA, plain to see.

Prior to viewing the video of Obama’s transparent and tragic for America UN address -- few outside America fall for such searing hypocrisy, outright inversions of reality and blatant lies -- I would reiterate that the USA is the world’s most destructive, militaristically aggressive, invasive, meddling, civilian killing nation in the world today; furthermore, the consequences of America’s criminal actions are now impacting on the entire world:

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1889.html