Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by za'el Saturday, Sep 5 2015, 1:11pm
international / poetry / post


the universe is fluid,
fluid energy.
the fluid light of consciousness
is integral to the universal flux
and is able to distinguish between
various permutations of vibrational energy
which do not overlap but exist as vibrational octaves

however, if the light of consciousness is surrounded/immersed
in dense fluid, the light of consciousness is diminished in direct proportion
to the density/opacity of the fluid energy that surrounds it.

in dense fluid the light is undetected yet it shines with the intensity
of a million suns. humankind by choice immerses itself in the darkness of its own making, humankind is therefore unable to appreciate the higher octaves of light

bereft of vision/apprehension and a broader awareness/perspective blind insensitive beings perish in the darkness of ignorance, which is the quality of opaqueness or the fluid that sloth, indolence and apathy create.

the more kinesis or activity the brighter the light of consciousness, the more torpor the darker and denser the fluid becomes. beings that live in darkness die in darkness though devoid of light they are already dead. and so the immediate future of the greater bulk of humanity is made plain. if not for the very few aware and active souls the species would be lost completely. life, light and awareness are qualities of the living -- ignorance, sloth, apathy and indolence are characteristics of the dead and the dead remain dead, trapped in the darkness of their own creation

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1838.html