Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Metatron’s Cube
by ryall Saturday, Sep 5 2015, 3:06am
international / poetry / post


circles with perimeters
intersecting centres tightly interconnected
reveal a mathematical magic,
within two dimensional circles
resides a three dimensional cube
which reveals the essence of our dimension
and its inherent harmony

disconnected humanity forms
no meaningful pattern, chaos prevails --
kinetic existence is unified harmoniously
and dances it marvels before us
humanity remains disconnected, outside
the beauty, wonder and bliss of nature’s
perfect harmony

is it sustainable to exist outside life’s
benign, harmonious moving pattern?
drowning, ignorant hordes should not fight for
the rocks that would finish them

harmony’s pattern admits no imperfections
disharmony exists outside perfection
and is of no consequence, except
to those that choose to exist in its realm
and die in chaos,

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1837.html