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Abbott Fails His Six Month Probation
by cyd Monday, Aug 31 2015, 10:35am
international / prose / post

It seems that conservative politicians share the mass media memory wipe of the broader community, I seem to recall that after the Liberal leadership spill Abbott had six months to prove that he was a capable leader; well, the local media is full of Abbott’s ‘capable’ catastrophes as leader since the spill, one imbecilic scandal after another and to think that conservatives hoped that this leopard would change his spots, in your conservative dreams.


What would it take for conservatives to face the reality that Abbott is the problem, and that he has failed abysmally to change where it counts, his simple mind and appalling management? It seems that conservatives not only have a short memory but have lost the plot, as incompetent, lying, nationally DETESTED Abbott remains as leader – the irrational reason, well you would have to ask his party as it’s got me and Australia!

Liberal party social disconnect has clearly reached new heights/lows as there is some talk of replacing treasurer Joe Hockey, if a pending by-election goes against the government. Hockey, who is no more or less incompetent than the rest of the insular brigade, has become the fall guy for inept Abbott, who blames others and every minor bureaucrat for HIS lack of competent leadership and disastrous policies, someone else is always responsible when the entire population is aware that the buck stops with Abbott and his spineless ministers, are you reading this, Peter Dutton?

There is nothing more to add except to remind the amnesiac, gutless conservatives that they do not possess the courage and good sense to replace Abbott who is now toxic as far as the electorate is concerned. Abbott has no hope of rehabilitation as you cannot change the fundamental core of an individual without drastic psychological intervention/re-education and Abbot is passed it in more ways than one.

I would add in conclusion a time-tested proven historical fact; if the public imagines that replacing the Libs with Labor at the next federal election would improve things, they are dreaming. Bill Shorten is also a corporate stooge and no-account with a very dodgy streak, so it’s more of the same with a different flag. When will the public ever learn?

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1827.html