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Conspiracy Fact
by jess Thursday, Aug 27 2015, 9:32am
international / prose / post

It doesn’t take a genius to determine that North Africa and the Middle East since American and NATO military interventions are theatres of immeasurable human tragedy today. Prior to the illegal interventions based on lies and various other transparent pretexts, those regions were relatively stable. Today, however, chaos and horror reigns with millions dead and millions more displaced by the destabilising influence of American military interventionism, which amounts to mass murder and the assassination of leaders that refuse to comply with its wishes.


Assess the situation for yourself, and compare nations today plunged into a living hell with their condition prior to American intervention and you will come to the conclusion that the USA is spreading chaos and destruction wherever it intervenes in the affairs of other nations. What that appalling reality reduces to in simple terms is criminality on a scale not seen since WWII, yet the western and eastern world tolerate a criminal nation pursuing its criminal ambitions without decisive resistance. Don’t you find that strange, to say the least?

Shortly after WWII the international community agreed upon new laws and conventions to prevent a repeat of the horrors of fascism/totalitarianism impacting the world again. However, the USA and its vassals openly flout these laws and deliberately continue to create horror and destruction outside their borders. Put bluntly these illegal interventions are in simple and accurate terms crimes against humanity, international sovereign law and a host of other laws and conventions, yet the offenders enjoy their ability to create chaos and instability wherever they choose.

Now recall in the not too distant past how other INDEPENDENT, powerful, sovereign nations prevented any single nation illegally interfering with the stability of the world, yet has China or Russia today ever once demanded that the US be held accountable for its OBVIOUS crimes, NO! And therein lies the answer to the continuing chaos we witness today. I would add that the Russian and Chinese alliance is easily able to obliterate North America and Western Europe yet the USA/NATO acts without the slightest regard to this fact. There is only one reason that accounts for the lack of resistance from other powerful nations and that is central control exercised via economic and monetary means. Indeed, there exists a tiny mega-wealthy cabal that has gained complete control over the entire world, which easily accounts for the absence of justice and pervasive state crime – no nation is willing to enforce international law and hold offenders to account. A global controlling body is the only reasonable explanation to account for the rampant, heinous crimes that America and its allies openly commit on a daily basis with impunity.

The weapon this evil, mass murdering cabal utilises to wreak havoc on the world is simply money, which it prints from thin air in the central banks it owns and controls.

While the world remains enslaved by this absurd financial con peaceful coexistence and justice remain impossibilities. Of course the solution is simple, nationalise all central banks and regain control over the national currency but for that to occur nations would be required to install representative governments not puppet governments that serve mega-wealthy elites.


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1817.html