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If You Cannot Distinguish Between Black and White Literally You Are in Big Trouble
by james Wednesday, Aug 19 2015, 2:11am
international / prose / post

The link below leads to a highly detailed legal and police report regarding the alleged guilt of the younger so-called, Boston bomber. Evidence furnished by the FBI clearly indicates that the accused is carrying a WHITE knapsack not the BLACK knapsack which contained the improvised, pressure-cooker explosive device, according to the FBI; now that reality reduces to a simple conclusion based on the ability to distinguish black from white, however, it would seem that America is incapable of performing the simplest distinction in this case. The entire legal theatre of this case is worthy of the great satirical writers of literary history; this case is almost as ludicrous as the trial of Chelsea (Bradley) Manning, in which the criminally accused Pentagon sat in judgement of the moral accuser and sentenced him/her to 35 years incarceration for exposing state crimes against humanity.


It would appear that the trial of the so-called Boston bomber is as fantastic, absurd and CORRUPT as the trial of Manning, notwithstanding this case carries the death penalty. I would end my introduction with the cogent warning that any society that is unable to distinguish between the ultimate contrasting factors, black-white, day-night etc, is headed quite clearly for TOTAL RUIN.

If YOU are looking for a functional, un-corrupted legal and police regulatory system then clearly you will not find it in America. Fortunately, the rest of the world is easily able to distinguish between black and white, a criminal state and a democratic state with a functional judiciary. Woe to you, America!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1797.html