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Varoufakis’ Scramble to Save Face – A ‘Plan B’ that never was!
by stavros Monday, Jul 27 2015, 10:34pm
international / prose / post

In a recent Telegraph story worthy of a James Bond movie, former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, attempts to save face by describing how he intended to maintain liquidity in Greece’s economy by hacking into computer systems and enabling euro transfers first in the form of IOUs then possibly to the drachma, notwithstanding the overt illegality of the plan.

Alexis Tsipras and Yanis Varoufakis
Alexis Tsipras and Yanis Varoufakis

It’s a curious read peppered with enough intrigue to satisfy the most loopy conspiracy theorist, however, where it ALL falls down is, so-called ‘plan B’ never eventuated, Varoufakis’ excuse is PM Tsipras declined, give me a break, Tsipras is not an autocrat, he answers to his party and perhaps we should all take another look at the ‘Troika’ plan to slaughter and gut Greece of all assets and then throw it on the scrap heap, as adding more debt to an already unrepayable debt is the height of absurdity. So ‘plan B,’ if we are to believe Varoufakis’ story, would have been the only feasible way out for Greece; it didn’t eventuate because it had already been decided to succumb to the outrageous demands of the Troika.

So Yanis, tell it to your demented grandmother, history will portray you and the rest as the cowardly, treasonous sell-outs that you are. Reality always tells the true story, the Syriza government is guilty of treason, pure and simple, not just Varoufakis and Tsipras.

After reading the Telegraph blurb I was reminded of an old Aussie adage, “it takes two Jews to catch one Greek.”

If you want cred, Yanis and Co, simply default, though plan B would have been the better option, you miserable, lying traitor.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1750.html