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MH-17 Tragedy turns into Propaganda in Australia
by tanya Friday, Jul 17 2015, 10:28am
international / prose / post

The tragedy of the downing of Malaysian airliner MH-17 and the understandable grief of relatives has been crafted into the most outrageous and transparent propaganda -- on the anniversary of the disaster -- I have ever witnessed in Australia, which is no stranger to American CFR propaganda and the elite agenda.

Abbott seeking approval from his master
Abbott seeking approval from his master

Both puppet leaders of the major parties took turns performing and making much of the undisguised, completely one-sided presentation in the mass media, including I am sorry to say, from the ABC’s ‘Lateline’ program of 16 July.

One expects bias and one-sided reporting from the Murdoch press but not from the public broadcaster, which all but overtly accused Russia of guilt, the undisguised inference was as clear as it could possibly be -- shame on you presenter, Tony Jones and the producer of ‘Lateline’.

It was months ago when Murdoch-supported puppet prime minister, Tony Abbott, threatened to “shirt-front” Vladimir Putin over the incident though investigations had hardly begun -- that initial reaction by Abbott, based on no evidence whatsoever, was a giveaway as blame had already been decided by Washington and as most thinking Aussies are aware Abbott is very obedient to Washington dictates and conforms to the war mongering corporatist elite agenda.

We should also note that it was Abbott, again directed by Washington, no doubt, who first claimed that MH-370 went down in the Southern Indian Ocean; that assertion was made on the basis of a half-submerged shipping container. Abbott of all people, directing the search to a location where no wreckage whatsoever was found, yet another very revealing gesture by Abbott, who by the way, is known in Australia as an inveterate LIAR and possessing the integrity of a two-headed snake -- this man lied his way into office and hasn’t stopped lying and performing since.

In no way would I attempt to diminish the trauma of the tragedy or make light of the sorrow of the unfortunate Australians who lost relatives in the disaster, however, the very fact of the tragedy demands that reason, supported by irrefutable evidence of guilt, precedes all accusations, however, the media was united in its undisguised accusations of Russia, though the Dutch investigation has not reached a conclusion and has not supplied indisputable evidence -- but as they say in the corporate mass media, ‘never let the truth get in the way of a good emotive story!’

The well crafted propaganda and undisguised finger-pointing would have been convincing to average Aussies, however, to specialist media analysts and social commentators it was gross propaganda. Only those traumatised by the loss of relatives were covered by the media; one unfortunate man was featured on the Lateline program as having written personally to Putin to vent his anger, pour out his feelings and demand justice -- a great heart-wrenching segment no doubt. Other 'evidence’ offered on the program was the untested ‘recordings’ of rebel foot soldiers saying ‘they shot down an airliner instead of a fighter,’ while they were searching through wreckage.

Of course footage, exposed by Robert Parry of Consortium News as fake, of a (Russian) military missile transport, screened initially on local '60 minutes' bears no relation to the downing of MH-17 whatsoever as a connection has never been made, but put it all together on the anniversary of the tragedy and you have one hell of a convincing emotional story. Though we should not forget that no conclusive real evidence has ever been offered.

Nevertheless, certain interests in Washington seem to be using Oz to test the reaction of a very sophisticated propaganda exercise. One I’m disappointed to say has probably succeeded in shaping the impressionable minds of average Australians.

However, try as certain interests might to constantly portray Russia/Putin as an ogre, the fact remains that the most heartless killers of civilians since the Vietnam war is the USA, furthermore, the neocon doctrinal pursuit of 'perpetual war' clearly indicates a complete disregard for innocent human life. Every (failed) US military intervention in the past two decades has resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent civilians. If I was to make a wager about who benefits most from the political/psychological effects of intentionally downing a civilian aircraft I certainly would not place my money on Putin or Russia.

Follow link below to read the expose’ of Australian 60 minutes’ feeble attempt to offer proof of Russian guilt -- you see, all the corporate media, and now the public broadcaster, is acting in unison on this matter, notwithstanding the lack of real evidence, which signals to experts that the truth may never be revealed though unfounded accusations and contrived ‘evidence’ will no doubt continue to pollute the airwaves and feature in the Murdoch trash press.

Integrity devoid presenter, Tony Jones
Integrity devoid presenter, Tony Jones

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