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A Dose of Reality re: Eurozone Instability
by cyd Tuesday, Jul 14 2015, 1:00am
international / prose / post

The US/NATO has its tentacles and bases across Europe, which have recently been enhanced by a larger US military presence fearing social unrest due to the Greek 'crisis' -- the important factor to note here is that this force is a UNIFIED broad-reaching military force. The so-called peoples 'leftist parties' are scattered throughout southern European nations -- the important fact to note is, they are NOT UNITED under a single 'banner' and are of course unarmed. Now in the event of social unrest and a conflict between a UNITED military force and divided, unarmed leftists that live in a dreamworld, who would you imagine would prevail in a conflict? Exactly!

Isn't it about time fragmented and ideologically divided leftist dreamboats woke up to themselves, Mr Pilger and Mr Hedges? If a movement of the people has any hope of defeating a unified military force then it first must be UNITED and willing to fight under one 'banner/cause.' That simple reality however, is lost on leftists as their eternal and internal bickerings clearly demonstrate.

As distasteful as the REALITY is in Europe, it is OWNED and controlled by mega-banking cartels that employ their respective military arms to do whatever they bid -- now fuckin' wake up and learn what it is to be united as a popular front before tackling impossible odds -- you leftist, DIVORCED FROM REALITY, morons!

Furthermore, do not expect any overt assistance from mouse Putin or China, simply remember how both 'superpowers' sacrificed Yugoslavia and Libya, both staunch allies at the time. What a tragic social/political circus but lovely situation for the banking cartels.

Now a little comment on the Greek crisis. The mega-banker cartels forced Tsipras to accept an impossible deal as they knew it would end in the elimination of a viable 'leftist' government in Greece, notwithstanding that Tsipras and his closest allies are all bourgeois elitists. Nevertheless, the banking elites are the purest form of fascism on the planet today and as we all should be aware fascism cannot tolerate even a whiff of socialism.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1726.html