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War Mongering Mass Media Eliminates PEACE from Discussion
by jane Monday, Jun 29 2015, 1:19am
international / prose / post

When was the last time you saw or heard ‘Peace’ as the major topic of discussion in the western mass media? Exactly! Peace discussions have become anathema to the privately owned corporate mass media for the simple reason that ‘perpetual war,’ fear and terror provide more profits for the vile mega-corporations that serve the war, pan-surveillance and terror INDUSTRIES!

The propaganda arm of the vile, corporate elite that profit from death, blood, horror and indescribable misery – know them by their fruit, a wise man once stated – ensure that PEACE is never mentioned outside a war context; if mentioned at all, the word ‘peace’ is only used to justify and promote war in an obvious Orwellian inversion, as real peace is entirely its own subject and the polar opposite of war and ‘perpetual conflict.’

The mass media (MM) must work tirelessly to ensure that any prospect for peace is quashed, therefore media content dwells on blood, guts, horror and FEAR -- profit producing conflicts and stirred emotions, in other words.

MM content of continuous terror/horror and death, blinds the public to any prospect of peace and ensures that the public remains in a heightened state of fear and anxious alert, which transforms the public into a literal resource that supports the vile elite agenda of perpetual war.

The public therefore must be fed a constant stream of distorted, mis-informative propaganda which necessarily avoids any constructive discussions/solutions that promote peaceful settlements.

A conservative estimate from MIT of SIX million INNOCENT men, women and children killed since the illegal (Gulf of Tonkin lie) Vietnam conflict. The Iraq holocaust, 1.5 million deaths and 5 million displaced people, is just the latest tragedy that follows a not accidental trend.

The literal elite ‘order’ of the day for the MM is to produce a constant stream of negative, fearmongering, reactionary ‘news,’ more accurately described as overt poisonous propaganda.

Furthermore, as we should be aware, not one major figure responsible for the criminal carnage has ever been held to account or jailed, the corporate media never dwells on the crimes of their servants instead it supports the puppets that serve the nefarious agenda of the corporate/banker elite.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that humanity, as a whole, innately desires peace and harmonious co-operative relations. So, in order to immunise yourself from the psychological poison that issues like sewage from the MM make it a habit to use the word ‘peace’ OFTEN, in greetings and partings, in conversation and textual messages/correspondence. It may appear to be a small measure to counter the poison of the MM, however, due to our innate desire for peace and harmony in our lives, it has a remarkable effect on everyone, transmitter and recipient.

Extricate and immunise yourself and others from the induced fear and mental slavery of a perverse cultural elite.


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1693.html