Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

“Mission Accomplished”
by sam Saturday, Jun 20 2015, 2:57am
international / prose / post

For those citizens that remain impervious to the effects of the 24 hour ‘news’ cycle/memory wipe, it is a simple matter to recall and remember how then puppet of the corporate-banker elite, president dubya Bush, stood on the deck of a US naval vessel and touted that the Iraq mission was accomplished! However, prior to that buffoon reading from a prepared script, neocon and sociopath Paul Wolfowitz stated publicly that the invasion and takeover of Iraq would be a “cakewalk” and that the Iraqi population would welcome mass murdering American troops with “bouquets of flowers,” probably in gratitude for US embargos and sanctions which killed over 500,000 innocent Iraqi children due to the lack of essential medical supplies.

'Blue tie' puppets, Obama and dubya Bush
'Blue tie' puppets, Obama and dubya Bush

The fact that it was known that -- Dick Cheney actually described in detail why, see Youtube -- deposing Saddam Hussein would lead to the current quagmire only emphasises the folly; hard reality was ignored then and continues to be ignored today by neocon nut-cases as “pax Americana” is their shared utopian/dystopian DELUSION.

It is therefore pointless to forever reveal and discourse on the sheer insanity that ruling elites and their political puppets entertain, what clearly MUST be done is to stop them cold before they initiate a nuclear conflict with other nuclear superpowers, Russia and China. Neocon PROVEN nut-cases actually imagine they could ‘win’ a pre-emptive nuclear exchange – do you need more proof that the patients have taken over the asylum?

We’ve heard all the bulldust before on the privately owned mass media, which never reminds us of all the gross failures of American interventionism but forever supports evermore nut-cases that continue to lie to citizens and toe the clearly lunatic profit at any cost, elite line.

Now you may ask where is this piece going after simply prompting recall and highlighting reality rather than illusion? Nowhere, and to speak as plainly as possible, the nation is going to hell in a hand basket, simply due to the FACT that we allow proven criminal nut-cases to remain unaccountable for their horrific crimes of mass murder and to also remain in control of our destinies to this day.

While the inhabitants of the ‘home of the brave and land of the free’ remain enslaved and cowardly the fate of the nation is sealed. Now turn on your TV for more exploits in Wonderland and truth-telling.

The current status quo is beyond a sick joke it is a ticket straight to hell and oblivion.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1676.html