Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

US Sec. of State John Kerry has untimely Accident
by vance Monday, Jun 1 2015, 12:13am
international / prose / post

Corporate errand boy and servant of the evil criminal elite, John Kerry, has broken his leg in a cycling accident. Pity it wasn't his neck!

John 'bonesman' Kerry, lackey
John 'bonesman' Kerry, lackey

And if you imagine that statement is harsh compare it to the tens of millions of unfortunate people living in appalling conditions and hardship simply because Kerry's masters manically seek profits and the consolidation of their power by wreaking havoc, perpetual war and misery on our world and personal lives.

No quarter must be given to this psychopathic evil minority or any of its shameless political servants period.

The RESPONSIBILITY for allowing the clearly ruinous and destructive suicidal status quo to persist is OURS. That is really the message to the invertebrate, comatosed masses that allow a handful of avaricious sociopaths to lead us all into slavery and ruin.

It has now come to revolt, restore the Republic/democracy or live in servitude/oppression and suffer -- who says this evil we see at every turn is to be tolerated, only those that lie, deceive and serve their (minority) masters?

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1640.html