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The Crippling Austerity/Debt Scam
by vance Wednesday, May 27 2015, 1:20pm
international / prose / post

Western politicians today are obsessed with the ‘economy’ – though two actually exist, the indebted and the debt free – the never ending discourses on debt (the economy for the masses) are enough to turn anyone into an anarchist so most people simply shut off. However, a crucial element is thereby overlooked, who or what owns national debt that puppet politicians obsess about? If you say your local Reserve Bank you would be wrong!

Reserve banks are always presented to the public as independent institutions, however, there’s no such thing as an independent bank due to the nature of money. So first understand that no bank is independent, they are all owned.

Western Reserve banks belong to a cartel dominated by the New York Federal Reserve, a privately owned money printing organisation, which supplies other reserve banks with the current world default currency, the greenback, which the NY Fed conveniently prints at will – please note that the greenback is not pegged to gold or any other commodity, its value is by way of ideological investment/agreement (subscription) and those that unfortunately borrow this paper must work/produce to repay loans at interest to an organisation that prints paper money from thin air – are you detecting a scam? If so you are now aware of the greatest rort of all time, and I don’t blame readers for not believing the reality of the situation as it is simply outrageous.

Most people would be aware of the vernacular expression “a license to print money,” often used to describe a highly successful business venture or criminal activity. Well, the principal Reserve bank in New York has that ‘licence,’ granted to it by compliant governments/populations that are debt enslaved due to accepting loans at interest from an organisation that prints money from thin air! Even the ‘all powerful’ US government that hosts this criminal activity is indebted to the privately owned Federal Reserve, do you see now why I label all western governments as puppets, notwithstanding this situation makes democracy and national sovereignty a sham? Limited space and time does not allow me to go into the intricacies of the scam, however, anyone is easily able to verify the gist of the presentation so far, and furthermore, I encourage everyone to research and prove matters for themselves, as discovering the truth will rile you, no end.

So the economic world is divided into those that own money printing presses and those that foolishly borrow inherently worthless paper money at interest – that is the fundamental reality of debt and debt free economies. So who are the faceless ‘debt free’ that orchestrated this monumental scam? Simply research the owners of the Federal Reserve and you will discover the dynastic banking families that created and now own you and your nation.

Another approach would be to demand answers from governments relating to exactly who governments are in indebted to. Tracing debt to its original source, not the corner bank that issued your loan, reveals an elite minority of mega-wealthy families -- little wonder at their wealth. However, the situation is an absurd criminal con that hangs from a spider’s web, as these families live in constant fear that the masses will wake and rend them to shreds.

Nevertheless, the demands of global trade and local needs require an agreed upon trading unit and ‘economies’ in which to conduct their business so paper currency would be fine if the manufacture of that currency was taken out of the hands of elite rogues and given to representative national governments, not a bunch bought lackey politicians. A fabricated system would work if a level playing field were established, however, the field as it stands today is anything but level, it is skewed to the extreme in favour of the very few that manically protect their elite status by controlling governments and the global debt economy.

I would now cite an example of how terrified these elite families are of debt-free nations -- pre-NATO bombed to ruins, Libya. Libya was the only nation on earth that was not indebted to any entity, therefore Libya was completely impervious to the clutches of these parasitic criminal families. And what happened to Libya, especially when its leader attempted to return to the gold standard and unite African nations with a single exchange unit other than the greenback? We all know the result, debt-free Libya was bombed to ruins and its leader ruthlessly murdered, and a Reserve Bank immediately created to ‘assist’ with loans in reconstruction. Libya today is a cot-case and saddled with monumental debt in order to pay for the destruction that NATO inflicted in order to enslave/capture a once prosperous independent nation; I would add that the panic-stricken elite established a Reserve Bank only three weeks into the bombing campaign before Gaddafi was murdered. And so they exposed their terror of losing monetary control of the globe.

The lesson is plain, install real representative governments of and for the people which would determine the value of the currency they own -- let’s face it, paper is paper regardless of the pattern and ink colour! By un-subscribing to the Reserve banking cartel a nation is able to gain its freedom and with the support of powerful military and economic nations, China and Russia, mutually beneficial trade rather than plunder/debt slavery would occur.

Co-operative nations would be able to establish a new trading unit to displace the greenback and prosperity rather than perpetual war, plunder and terror would prevail. Anything would be an improvement on the current skewed status quo.

The first step is mutually beneficial relations and agreements between nations and citizens, as is occurring as I write, not the one-sided plunder and economic austerity/slavery the world is now subject to.

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