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Tony Abbott LIAR Extraordinaire – “keeping us safe”
by reg Tuesday, May 26 2015, 10:48am
international / prose / post

Not many Aussies are falling for the American whopper of “keeping us safe” from the overblown Washington created, terrorist ‘threat,’ especially when errand boy and lying dunce Tony Abbott repeats the same worn out line. I couldn’t believe my ears when Abbott spouted that phrase. Okay, let’s take it at face value and assess how many lives have been lost due to terrorism and other real national killers like corporate tobacco, diabetes food companies and a host of other REAL threats to Oz citizens -- we all know the answer without the stats which clearly compromise corporate killers and atrocious government as the REAL threat to Australian security. But poor ol’ servant boy Tony has no choice, he must toe the Washington line no matter how inappropriate it is in Oz, people here are more under threat from in-grown toenails than terrorists – FACT! The terrorist ‘threat’ regardless of how overblown the media dutifully portrays it to be, has no hope of bucking REALITY.

Lying Tony Abbott, minority serving fraud
Lying Tony Abbott, minority serving fraud

But to return to the causative factors and the REAL threat to Oz security. It was the other corporate owned party, Labor, that signed away Australia’s security by allowing the war mongering USA, which openly pursues a “perpetual war” ideology to feed its voracious energy and weapons/surveillance corporations, to physically occupy Oz and use our SOVEREIGN land, sea and air domains to build bases, dock nuclear armed battle ships/submarines and also base or ‘rotate’ (what’s the bloody difference?) long range supersonic nuclear armed B1 bombers, all of which war machines and facilities clearly target China.

The result of course is that once relatively neutral Oz is NOW a PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET in the event of a US provoked war with China, ‘owzat for “keeping us safe,” you pathetic lying, US lackey dog, Abbott? If dunce errand boy Abbott was truly concerned about Australia’s safety he would have overturned Gillard’s treasonous action, which has made Oz as unsafe as it’s possible to get, or can you beat primary nuclear target with a crazed single gunman that agencies AND police somehow allowed to fall off the radar and perpetrate a convenient (for overblown terrorist propaganda) attack in Martin Place? Give well educated Oz a break you American stooge.

Aussies are not banjo playing, dumbarse Americans even though education minister Pyne is doing his best to adopt the sub-standard user pays US education system. Abbott and his pack of gutless, traitorous ministers are no doubt aware of the REALITY but none have the balls or ovaries Ms Bishop, to do anything about it, so they tragically attempt to sell the bogeyman threat which statistics trash as another duplicitous RUSE, you lying bastard, Abbott, people have not forgotten how you stabbed the nation in the back with YOUR overt lies to FRAUDULENTLY steal office.

So go for it Tony and ministers, regulate the many CORPORATIONS slowly killing Australians and reduce the outright menace of the US using Oz as a convenient platform from which to attack China. Do it, you gutless bastards!

Word has it that China is about to give Abbott an economic reminder about his role in threatening its safety. But that is China’s prerogative which it could exercise at any time to literally destroy the local economy or send it into a temporary tail-spin.

If Abbott, Shorten and ilk spent more time representing the people rather than serving US and corporate interests Australia would indeed become a safe place to live. At the moment it remains a primary nuclear target due to the undisguised obsequious knee-walking of our spineless politicians to war mongering Washington.

The FACT remains that incompetent, yielding Canberra politicians and large corporations are the biggest threat to Australia’s safety and the wellbeing of its citizens. No other entity comes close to the threats our lackey politicians have already exposed Australia to and I challenge anyone who begs to differ – post away cos you have nothing but Abbott’s bullshit to argue with.

In conclusion two rhetorical questions, is the pope a Catholic and is Abbott a lying duplicitous, traitorous dog? The more Abbott beats the American terrorist drum the more outraged Aussies become -- the UNSAFE REALITY our politicians have placed us in is the most threatening and dangerous Oz has ever faced in its short history -- FACT! And guess what’s filling the mainstream distraction and propaganda news media, gay marriage, for pete’s sake. I’m sure a bunch of limp wristed aberrants will keep us safe Tony (Rupert and the ABC). Tell it to someone that believes you and falls for the child lolly distraction ploy cos Aussies know you too well, Mr Abbott.

Terrorist threat my arse – so quick, stage another TRANSPARENT event for Washington’s sake!

For Christ’s sake China do it and economically force our gutless lackey politicians to remove the very REAL threat of US nuclear armed occupation, the people will love you for it!

[Help restore Oz democracy, link this piece to all concerned Aussie citizens.]

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