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America's counter-productive and costly Wars
by jed Friday, Oct 5 2012, 12:00am
international / prose / post

It was with much mirth that non-Americans watched the 'debate' between left and right puppets Obama and Romney. Much time was given to debt the deficit and the economy, if you could call it that -- the 'economy' is riding on the Fed printing fiat money which is no economy at all. However, we would rather focus on debt, waste and the real forces destroying the nation.

Consider China's energy requirements and the certainty they will surpass those of America in the very near future and then confront the historical fact that China has at no stage engaged in illegal invasions of other nations, open warfare or other military means to secure its energy needs -- China does what civilised western nations once did -- do business and engage in legal trade between nations.

America is surviving on borrowed time, its dollar remains the world default currency which enables the criminal Federal Reserve to continue printing toilet paper money to bail out the 'war economy.'

Now consider the overall cost to the nation of all the wars of invasion occupation and forceful resource appropriation; I would refer you to the siphoning of funds away from education and other social services to the Pentagon and war effort; also the additional social cost of fractured families and damaged veterans, all of which are stacked on top of the 'direct' military dollar-cost of the wars -- in figures we are looking at 'zillions' gutting the nation!

Neither candidate mentioned the military elephant in the room; the 'debate' (joke) regarding the 'economy' by puppets Romney and Obama, without reference to the astronomical costs of needless wars of invasion and occupation, reduced the entire debate to charade or FARCE.

It could be argued that all the economic problems America faces today are largely the result of PNAC or ill-advised military adventurism. Again take a long look at China and Russia engaging in business and trade to secure their energy needs and make the COST EFFECTIVE comparison yourself.

While the military industrial complex and the associated corporations and banking interests that support it work together to profit from these needless wars, no-one else benefits. What we have are elite monied interests wantonly destroying nations and societies for THEIR bottom line -- a situation that spells medium to long term ruin for America.

A paradigm shift and ideological change is required, not a debate between selected puppets that serve and obey the same elite interests.

I can assure Americans caught up in the local media bull and hype of 'democratic elections' (LOL) that from an objective international perspective, the entire political 'show' is akin to the theatre of the absurd or a tragic farce.

Some advice to America from Oz -- TAKE YOUR NATION OUT OF THE CRIMINAL HANDS THAT ARE CURRENTLY DESTROYING IT and RESTORE YOUR civil society and representative DEMOCRACY. Democracy means MAJORITY rule, NOT rule by elite criminal minorities!

However, we do appreciate that it will require a REVOLUTIONARY effort from the people to change the poisonous status quo -- but you've done it before so you can do it again! Rid your nation of the vermin that has taken it over!

We wish you the best of luck and warn that failure to remedy the situation will result in national ruin and tragedy.

For those still locked in denial and delusion, be sure to root for 'your' candidate in the next 'debate!'

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-161.html