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Budget: Multinational Tax “Crack Down” Farce
by baz Monday, May 11 2015, 1:19am
international / prose / post

The very first consideration to a proposed ‘tax crackdown’ – journalists with integrity spell it out without fear or favour, Mr Jared Owens -- on multinational tax avoiders is that the news/propaganda was published in a Murdoch rag by one of the mass media’s job anxiety journalists under the strict editorial control of Murdoch, who just happens to be among the most culpable tax avoiders in the country/world.

Abbott and Hockey
Abbott and Hockey

Furthermore, the threatened legislation would apply in January NEXT YEAR, when ALL Australians KNOW it should have been applied LAST YEAR. The absurd delay of course favours both the multinationals and Abbott, who has been FORCED, by the alternative media, to address the elephant in the budget room, which Abbott and his incompetent corporate serving conservatives failed to see for almost two years – tell your story to your grandmother, Hockey!

Then there is the article itself which uses phrases like, multinational tax avoiders “COULD be forced to pay back double what is owed.” [my emphasis]. So the obvious delay and pussy footing spells political CON big time; and if we consider the broadly known fact that Abbott is a pathologically lying scoundrel then REALITY intervenes – burdened Aussies should take it all with a grain of salt, as without doubt the political delay would allow for numerous underhanded measures to be applied. And if the above quote is not enough to expose the government’s con, try this: an opposition spokesman said “…it was “frankly bizarre” that Mr Hockey would not estimate the amount of tax that would be raised by the [proposed] multinational tax avoidance law.”

If this government had any integrity at all it would spell it out and legislate IMMEDIATELY AND apply RETROSPECTIVE policy measures to recover the hundreds of billions it has lost to multinational tax avoiding cheats and rorters who Abbott faithfully serves, isn’t that right Mr Murdoch – who are YOU and Abbott trying to kid?

If it wasn’t for a Senate inquiry into multinational tax avoidance and the pressure applied by the alternative media, then it would have been full 'austerity’ steam ahead applied to Australia, which remains one of the most wealthy per capita nations in the world though the population has seen none of the benefits that multinationals and other large corporations have extracted (plundered) from the nation – that’s the hard reality and I hope the elite serving conservatives choke on it.

The fact is that multinationals, banks and others have had it too good for too long while the vast majority of Australians have suffered; action should be taken NOW, that means immediately, Mr Hockey, no excuses you integrity-deficient coward!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1603.html