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Transparent – the ‘shock’ of the UK Election
by justin Saturday, May 9 2015, 1:49am
international / prose / post

Is it really surprising that elite serving, austerity loving, conservatives have been re-elected in Britain? Consider how elite Banker and Corporate elites have installed compliant conservative governments in most western nations to serve the elitist Corporate agenda of debt-slavery, depressed wages, rising costs and austerity for everyone except the elite that enjoy almost unrestrained freedom to plunder and do whatever they like with impunity, which unfortunate reality for the masses, is the direct result of the influence/control elites exercise over THEIR owned and installed political puppets, of which Cameron is a ‘fine’ example.

Cameron deferring to Murdoch 1.
Cameron deferring to Murdoch 1.

Now consider the role of the CORPORATE owned mass media/propaganda apparatus which promulgated the notion that Britain would be an ineffective political mess after the polls. These people have proven they are not dunces, in fact their methods are supremely effective as is evidenced by the lack of social awareness, perceptive faculties and social actions against the most obvious corporate crimes (2008) and political frauds (continuous) -- care to name a western government?

All (regardless of stripe) western governments today serve elite corporate interests NOT the people, plain to see; the effective strategies of the mass media ensure that the masses accept the most flagrant corporate and political crimes -- fraud, theft, brazen deceit, non-representation etc -- without a murmur let alone remedial ACTION.

Now, based on KNOWN ‘perception management’ principles and the effectiveness of ‘reverse psychology,’ what better way to ensure that a selected ‘leader’ would win, in what would otherwise may have been a tight election, than by scaring the shit out of the public with the bogeyman of possible chaos, hardship and ruin? And so we have the “surprise” (my arse) win of the conservatives.

The majority of pre-election pollsters didn’t get it “so wrong” they simply played their handsomely payed roles and led people to believe that chaos and ruin were just around the corner if a ‘stable, conservative government’ was not elected.

And there you have it, another media coup planned by the nefarious CFR and its media mogul members.

My major disappointment was not the end result – that was a given from an analytical perspective -- but that so many so-called ‘experts’ fell for the transparent ruse. Whenever the corporate mass media and their pollsters go in one direction be assured the fix is in. A healthy, diversified, independent, mass media (60’s) would not have been so compliant or linear.

Cameron deferring to Murdoch 2.
Cameron deferring to Murdoch 2.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1601.html