Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by rae Friday, May 1 2015, 1:26am
international / poetry / post

if i ask
the answer is never
if i seek
i do not find,
if i reach out
no hand is forthcoming
i am it seems alone
in my pursuit

if i look into a mirror
i see the reflection
of my body,
a transient form that disappears
during sleep -
in dreams i have various bodies
free of the corporeal
but yet ā€˜iā€™ remain the same
i know i am me
that something,

faced with the failures of
seeking outside
i turn inward
to that consistency
as it has proven itself impervious
to outside perturbations,
it remains immutable
and inviolable

as i begin to see i realise
i have been living a corporeal dream
not different to dreams
during sleep -

a comforting, swirling light
within me
begins to grow brighter
until its luminescence
becomes brighter than all the stars
in the firmament

who am I?
not the person in the mirror
or the character that seeks outside
i have simply become
what i have always been
that consistency,
the immutable, the inviolable
luminescence of my being,
brighter than the midday sun
and warmer than the night

i was before i was born
and continue to be after i die
i have become
a state i share with Creation

it becomes plain that i am
pure unconditioned Being
and i wonder why it took so long
to wake to my (Real) identity

do what you will world,
chimeras are incapable
of making an impression
in this transmuting light

in singular, relentless
i have become everything
that ever was or will be,
i am everywhere at One
free of limiting conceptions
and the prison of finite thought

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1586.html