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Bob Carr Attends Bohemian Grove Meeting
by enoch Wednesday, Oct 3 2012, 11:30am
international / prose / post

This snippet from your blog was recently brought to my attention Bob, are you kidding or what?

"Senator Carr was in transit to Australia following talks at the Bohemian Grove conference with former US Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, James Baker and George Schultz, and with representatives of major American investors in Australia ... The Bohemian Grove conference followed separate talks between Senator Carr and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the Stanford Graduate School of Business on July 18."

Oz FM and globalist consorter, Bob Carr
Oz FM and globalist consorter, Bob Carr

Anyone that is unfamiliar with 'Bohemian Grove' need only type those two keywords into Youtube for a mixed bag of information -- none of it good!

In any case, I certainly would not be caught associating with the likes of one of the world's most notorious wanted mass murderers, 'Henry Kiss-inger' of death. Little wonder that the Oz Labor Party is completely lost and spiraling down the plug hole.

I can smell the sulphur from here, Bob; a man is judged by the company he keeps. War whore, Condi Rice, Kissinger, Bohemian Grove; how low can Labor go?

So we've all sold our souls to the mass murdering global elite, have we Bob, you servile, gutless, flea.

I hear you're a bit of a history buff - then you should know that history is not written by the oligarchs or plutocrats! It ain't lookin' good, mate.

Bizarre goings-on at Bohemian Grove

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-158.html