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Listen, Australia!
by baz Sunday, Apr 26 2015, 12:04pm
international / prose / post

I’m a bloody Aussie and not so proud to announce it; my nation is allied to a nation that legalised torture, government murders, indefinite detention without charge or trial and compiles ‘kill lists’ in secret in order to murder its own citizens, especially those that oppose its criminal actions – these acts alone earn America the status of pariah nation, but it gets far worse for Australia, whose knee-walking servile government complies with every request that star-spangled murdering America makes to Oz (usually to participate in its crimes).

Current PM, Tony Abbott
Current PM, Tony Abbott

Our so-called elected representative governments clearly do not serve the people they serve minority corporate interests intent on exploiting and oppressing the masses and ravaging the land, yes, I am aware that unrepresentative governments are common today but Oz was once a penal colony and knows the cost of serving self-interested foreign governments.

Aware Aussies wonder at times why the nation allows these spineless political rogues and liars to gain office and implement new laws and introduce policies that oppress and disadvantage the people while benefiting the wealthy few. Some locals have put it down to the infamous Aussie cultural cringe, a type of national inferiority complex which can be culturally traced back to the original underclass of Anglo convicts that were forced to serve imperial Britain – the antiquated and genocidal (indigenous people) British monarchy for some strange reason continues to hold a fascination for Anglo Aussies which now number in the minority due to immigration from Europe and Asia, whose combined population now constitutes over 50% of Australia's population, but culture is a hard one to shake and so Oz remains ruled by a largely Anglo government that retains its cringe mentality and consequent subservience to imperial powers (now America).

But for pete’s sake, civilian killing marauding America, which makes the mafia look like choir boys – a very bad choice indeed, notwithstanding the people are tired of foreign influence and rule, though Oz is technically a sovereign federation, not that you’d notice!

Take a quick review of our previous leaders, Paul Keating who de-regulated the banking industry and allowed banks to inflict untold fees and service charges for the privilege of using client funds. His next coup for foreign economic powers was to surrender our currency to the rogues (proven) on Wall Street allowing them to speculate and determine the value of our currency at a whim, this act put the final nail in Oz’s sovereignty, as a nation that does not control its currency becomes a slave to those who do control it.

And then there was John Howard, a member of the coalition of willing criminals that initiated an illegal invasion of Iraq, based on brazen orchestrated LIES, which resulted in the first civilian holocaust of the 21st century – well done war criminal Howard and the Oz population for not placing this mass murderer on trial for his obvious crimes, but Oz takes it lead from America where criminals have captured the entire nation and so we can expect more lies and crimes from our governments of whatever stripe as the major parties vie with each other to see who can suck the hardest and bend over the deepest for our ruling imperial master, America. Now you see why I am ashamed to announce my nationality in international company, at the very least I must apologise for our government and declare that most Aussies despise the sickening cowardly scum that occupies parliament, independents excluded.

It has not dawned on any servile government that Oz now occupies a critical location in the world today and could easily adopt a neutral non-aligned position while acting as a mediator between East and West – the disgusting allegiance to the world’s leading civilian killing nation is nothing to brag about, in fact it is the reason for Oz’s shame and its inability to assert itself in the international arena and be taken seriously as an INDEPENDENT nation that is friend to all and enemy of none – but tell that to the beer swilling yobs in the street and the servile lackeys in Canberra.

But there is hope, a half competent government representing the wishes of the democratic majority may one day become a reality and form a Republic thereby severing its servile ties to all imperial powers. There was one leader that could have achieved this result but the CIA using internal conservative supplicants ensured that Gough Whitlam would not retain office long enough to drag Oz out of its apron string mentality and into the world of independent sovereign nations.

Now Australia is blighted by an abundance of visionless, spineless lackeys in Canberra of which the current national leader Tony Abbott stands out as the epitome of all that is wrong with Australia.

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