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Two Undeclared Wars that Threaten Humanity
by nano Saturday, Apr 25 2015, 7:52am
international / prose / post

The first is corporate induced climate change, which threatens almost all life on the planet and the second is pan-surveillance and the rise of police states in former democratic nations.

You would think that the mass media would DIRECTLY focus on these two (undeclared) wars that pose the greatest threat to humanity but not so, the mass media only refers to these wars as secondary issues (not wars) deferring instead to what it considers to be of paramount importance, media-created bogeymen/nations, terrorists, perpetual wars of invasive resource and territorial appropriation and the usual distracting, mind-numbing, titillation/’entertainment’ – which by design keeps the masses uninformed and amenable lest they become aware of the REALITY and seek to lob the heads off the elite minority that wages these very REAL wars against the people.

The obvious reason focus is diverted away from reality is that the same minority interests that wage these wars also control our information and other important social institutions/systems.

Do not be misled, confused or confounded, corporate pollution, created by profit-only driven global multinationals and other large corporations threatens humanity NOW, which means we face an immediate and present danger.

Major corporate polluters have already shifted production to nations whose leaderships easily fall victim to corruption and/or intimidation, the exponential rise in CO2 emissions every year since records have been kept verifies the claim and indicates the extraordinary lengths corporate elites pursue to continue turning profits at our and the environment’s expense.

Both these wars are being waged successfully as I write and the masses are far from concerned, though a minority of activists scream their valid concerns and protests on the deaf ears of the masses. One would expect the entire globe to be up in arms to preserve their lives, freedoms and tenability, but not so. Why? Directly put, social ‘perception management’ by vested corporate interests; it is clear they wish to hide their real agenda and the damage they wreak manically pursuing profits, not an altogether good reason to extinguish life on a planet but a very good reason to accrue more wealth and the power it affords.

The second war being waged as I write is the elite’s war on the global masses, consider the millions of innocent deaths over the past fifteen years resulting of course from corporate avarice and fear, the massive loss of social liberties and freedoms forfeited by the masses in non-war torn nations are invariably based on elite created, transparent pretexts.

External wars always come home to haunt and harass local populations. Now consider the sweeping new draconian laws, ‘to keep us (the elite more likely) safe,’ the rise of police states and the associated pan-surveillance that follows. It is the height of absurdity to imagine that entire populations require monitoring but that over-kill tactic makes very good sense if the people are perceived as the potential enemy, which of course is exactly how unrepresentative minority elites view the public, a dangerous herd that could turn on them at any time.

Faced with these wars the mind-numbed, uninformed masses race to their deaths blissfully while focusing on the bearded terrorist hiding under the bed – to date these ‘terrorists,’ disillusioned youths and a few demented clowns can be counted, in most western democracies, on one or two hands, refer to arrest and prosecution records for verification; however, with information control and sophisticated propaganda a handful of demented dunces and clowns is ample to instil fear and convince ‘brave’ populations to forfeit their rights and subject themselves to genital groping at airports and 'pan-surveillance,' which has been enshrined into law by corporate serving western governments as a necessity, but for whom, I would ask?

I am aware that this message will have little effect/influence on the media-lobotomised masses, however, it’s not the masses to whom this piece is directed, historically it has always been very small groups of aware, creative and highly skilled people that catalyse social change, the masses merely react on queue.

So to the REAL (proven) elite that battles the evil elites that threaten humanity -- ONWARD, our victory is written in history and be assured it will be so again. A third party precipitating a nuclear exchange is not without its difficulties but is fast becoming achievable by an elite group of Uber hackers that have already penetrated State defences (on numerous occasions).

On local fronts the tireless efforts of the alternative media and activists is slowly but surely increasing social awareness – in the not too distant future watch for us, a misnomer, as all eyes will see!

A final note to the mindless masses; continue consuming corporate ‘news’ and paper-thin propaganda while being distracted and right royally screwed up the arse, it will only serve to increase the much desired ‘shock value’ of our tactical strategies – you gutless, morons. A modicum of research exposes the undeniable truth for those that wish to see, notwithstanding the majority are allergic to truth and reality.

A secondary note is in order for the evil mass murdering elites, thanks for doing all the heavy lifting, you dumbarses! What you have inadvertently created is a two-edged sword.

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