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Abbott – Commodification of ANZACS to sell Oz re-involvement in Iraq
by john Monday, Apr 20 2015, 10:58am international /
prose /
The Murdoch headline reads: "Tony Abbott hails 'the splendid sons of Anzacs' "
Unrepresentative corporate servant Tony Abbott with his master, Rupert Murdoch
The Oz regulator recently came down hard on private companies that attempted to commodify ‘sacred’ Oz historical icon event, the Gallipoli landing and the subsequent slaughter of Australian troops under British command during WWI. It seems Oz hasn’t learned much as it is now lackey to America and its imperial wars.
After major and minor private corporations withdrew their tasteless and transparent ads, Tony Abbott had a brilliant idea, to commodify the ANZAC anniversary in order to sell his unpopular decision to commit Oz to yet another war in ‘liberated, free, and democratic’ Iraq – the theatre of a real American ‘success’ story of ‘liberation.’
Aussies are acutely aware that PM Tony Abbott is a PR genius, deceiving the public into voting for him with brazen lies and then continuing to lie and deceive while he occupies office, is evidence of the fact. However, another connection to the above exists; the (almost simultaneous) arrest of two Muslim teenagers in Melbourne for planning a terrorist attack on ANZAC day. Interesting because the principal offender is a Bosnian Muslim, a group of useful idiots the US and NATO happily armed, supported and utilised to fragment and destroy Yugoslavia, appropriate the province of Kosovo to build a base and demonise the Serbs in the process; but it seems that Bosnian Muslims have passed their ‘use-by’ date – or have they?
Oz mainstream news is saturated with this arrest. Wow! A couple of misguided teenagers planning – with hardly the nous to realise their plans – an attack on police on ANZAC day, we're all shaking in our shoes, Tony; also, interesting choice of target considering that the ANZAC event is entirely militaristic! It seems PR genius Tony Abbott imagines that US tricks work on Aussies the way they successfully work on media lobotomised yanks. Abbott even had the gall to state that the Oz police and agencies are the “best in the world.” Really, Tony? The demented perpetrator of the Martin Place siege was known and monitored by police AND agencies and yet they failed miserably to prevent the event – one could almost say it was staged! Aussies would hate to see the worst police in the world if our inept bunch of buffoons are the best.
In conclusion Mr Abbott, no, Oz isn’t buying your media beat-ups (thanks Rupert) on a major terror scare or the feeble attempt to sell your decision to re-deploy our troops to Iraq. But please continue, your political adversaries love it and the Australia people only derive more zeal and fervour to throw you and your entire party into political oblivion.
Would someone please inform Abbott that this is Oz and America’s feeble ‘population/perception management’ tricks and tragically staged ‘false flag’ operations, do not work here. The public’s support of Muslims after the Sydney siege seems also to have gone unnoticed by Abbott and his inept band of advisers and consultants.
All we can say is better luck next time, Tony and Rupert.