Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Slave Nations – if the chains fit…!
by shamus Monday, Apr 20 2015, 1:35am
international / prose / post

Think about the principles upon which America was founded, life, liberty, FREEDOM and the pursuit of happiness, and then take a good look at the grotesque nation America is today; indefinite incarceration without charge or trial, legalised torture and kidnapping of citizens by the State, secret government kill lists that target US citizens – what a thorough travesty of the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and Constitution, woe, woe, woe America!


And if a totalitarian police state (Boston rehearsal) does not affront citizens, then the largest disparity of wealth seen in history, which only finds parallels in Ancient Roman times, where MINORITY elite ruling classes provided a subsistence living for their slaves while drowning in decadence, opulence and ill-gotten wealth -- well would I say, “if the chains fit.”

Even Roman slaves eventually rebelled in the true spirit of early Americans that fought for their freedom, however, today digital and mass media chains have completely captured and enslaved the American and other western populations where elite bankers and mega-corporations reign, woe, woe, woe, all western failed ‘democracies!’

Without a Will there is no Way, and the result is America today – a nation that exemplifies the failure of its population to uphold its traditional values of Freedom and EQUALITY.

Well slaves, enjoy your shit sandwich, you disgusting, spineless COWARDS, as it is CLEAR only cowards and slaves would tolerate the conditions and huge wealth disparities that exist today.

The cure is simple as encoded in the UN’s ‘UNIVERSAL Declaration of Human Rights,’ exercise your legal and inalienable prerogatives and take back what is rightfully yours – Freedom and Equality. Allowing yourselves to be duped, divided, oppressed and chained by elite created bogeymen is a tragedy beyond description, simply look at the world today for proof. And remember, the criminal fat cats treat you with the contempt you deserve, they relish in your stupidity, mindlessness, lack of will and cowardice.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1569.html