Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

When Psychopaths take over the Asylum
by jude Friday, Apr 10 2015, 11:43pm
international / prose / post

Just as informed people are aware that Gaza is an open air concentration camp run by Judo-Nazis that subject the population to the most horrific crimes and survival restrictions, the WORLD is aware that America is an asylum nation run by psychopaths.

And here’s a few searing examples why.

‘Legalising’ the most horrendous crimes for instance; what rational, sane person accepts secret government hit lists and the subsequent murder of its own citizens by the State without trial or any opportunity to defend oneself or seek representation? America of course!

What rational law abiding nation accepts indefinite incarceration without trial or charge? America!

In which nation do the criminally accused (mass murderers) sit in legal judgement of the accuser – The Bradley Manning case? Why, America again, of course!

But it gets better, which nation has ‘legalised’ TORTURE? America!

How about a population that tolerates the most invasive attack on personal privacy/liberty – genital groping at airports? The world loved that one!

How about the screaming illegality of what is euphemistically named ‘regime change’ – no nation has any right whatsoever to interfere with any other nation and its politics, however, not only does America constantly interfere with other sovereign nations, it murders leaders that do not comply with its insane ideology. Regime change remains one of the most outrageous breaches of international law and sovereignty ever recorded.

How about the ‘R2P’ (right to protect) which is portrayed in the media as protecting innocent civilians -- Iraq and Libya are the most extreme examples of that insanity, NATO and the US indiscriminately murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in order to illegally remove two men from power, Gaddafi and Hussein. That insane logic found its genesis in the Vietnam War when a high ranking US officer stated publicly “we had to destroy the village in order to save it” – does that sound sane to you? It’s just another instance of an American psychopath in high office, notwithstanding the five million innocent Indo-Chinese peasants slaughtered by Kissinger’s carpet bombing campaign.

Then there’s war mongers, Bolton, Cheney, and McCain and the LUNATIC neo-cons -- “bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran ..” sung to the tune of the Beach Boys ‘Barbara Anne?’

Remember Wolfowitz’s open statement to the world that the people of Iraq would welcome murdering, foreign invaders with “bouquets of flowers!” That was a real beauty – America and its allies have murdered over one million innocent Iraqi civilians and displaced four million others, the nation is a shambles today – and all this mayhem in order to remove one despot and steal Iraq’s oil resources. Call it what you will but history records it as psychopathic mass murder and brazen theft.

The list goes on and on but I must cease here as the point is made and I have better things to do than state the OBVIOUS – that is, for those numbats that missed it, America is an insane asylum run by homicidal rogues, thieves and psychopaths, ‘perpetual war’, anyone?

Your fate is sealed, America.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1550.html