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The K.I.S.S. Principle: Keep It Simple Stupid!
by jess Wednesday, Apr 1 2015, 11:08pm international /
prose /
I had occasion some years back to train inexperienced but highly qualified youth in the field of IT, and adhering to the above principle was a golden rule that applies not only to technical problems but to the social existential dilemmas of today.
So let’s apply it to one devastating social problem, WAR. How many people on the planet want and desire war? The obvious answer is the overwhelming majority of human beings want only a peaceful co-existence with their fellow man, fact #1. However, why is it that the world has been plunged, against the wishes of the MAJORITY, into perpetual war that is now threatening to escalate into a nuclear conflict? The answer again, if we apply the foolproof KISS principle is that an UNREPRESENTATIVE minority that have taken control of media information systems are leading, by deceit and gross lies, the population into chaos and horrific destruction – it is immaterial that this perverse behaviour has its source in the USA, that is clear, we are now in problem solving mode not useless blame and endless descriptive mode.
Imagine detecting a computer or other problem and just screaming the problem is to blame and endlessly describing the problem without any attempt to formulate a cure, because that is precisely what occurs in the alternative media today, which should know better I would add. Endless description cures nothing, in fact it actually depresses initiative, ‘well done,’ inept, defeatist, imbeciles!
Doing nothing constructive to remedy a situation but continually ‘harping’ on about it, is clearly the height of idiocy/insanity and if the shoe fits, wear it, alternative media. That idiocy paralyses initiative and by consequence positive REMEDIAL ACTION and so perpetual war today is the unfortunate reality as is the untapped overwhelming desire for peace, which of course is the remedy for all wars. No-one in the alternative media focuses on remedies they ALL continually ramble on about the problem much to the glee of the negative forces that have engineered perpetual war, chaos and destruction, fact #2.
In a few SIMPLE steps we have discovered the problem, cause and remedy and so that remedy must be applied if indeed we wish to rectify the destructive problem of perpetual war -- that is self-evident.
When applying remedies always look to the most efficient cure, in this instance that remedy is ALSO obvious, who or what is it that desires peace, the overwhelming majority of course, which also happens to be the most powerful, un-utilised social force on the planet.
Now it is plain that alternative journalists, analysts and media commentators have failed miserably to curtail and eliminate war and we now know why – the failure to focus on and apply the obvious cure. That is achieved not by endless descriptive renditions or blame-obsessed commentary but by harnessing the innate desire for peace and harmony that lies untapped or dormant in humanity.
It would be extremely appropriate then to focus on the cure and rectification rather than on paralysing, non-constructive discourse, which actually exacerbates the problem.
For those that have forgotten, every created human problem has a human cure but it must be APPLIED. And so by maintaining FOCUS ON REMEDIES -- humanity is a known, proven ingenious species -- we are ALL easily able to reverse the current destructive status quo – it really is that simple!