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Ex-pat Aussie working with Washington Confirms World is less Safe since US initiated War on Terror
by mitch Tuesday, Mar 31 2015, 4:46am
international / prose / post

In a recent interview on the Oz ABC '7.30' program, Dave Kilcullen, who is remembered for his animated involvement with the criminal neocons and the illegal invasion of Iraq, appears to have finally come to grips with reality – America has done nothing but aggravate conflicts around the world and the result is the world is a much unsafer place, thanks Dave for at least admitting the Truth to the Australian public!

Indeed, America’s clearly criminal interventions since 9/11 have destabilised once stable nations and caused horrendous hardship, chaos and the countless unnecessary deaths of millions of innocent civilians, something to be really proud of, Dave, you seppo-loving Aussie traitor!

If you were really man enough you would expose the entire criminal charade you were and continue to be involved in with your criminal American mates. What a thorough disgrace you are to your country and civilised humanity, Mr David Kilcullen

We also noticed you have grown a full beard, something to hide or be ashamed of, Dave? I have nothing more to say.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1533.html