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"Comply or Die" - Police State
by truebluemajority via demi - Daily Kos Thursday, Mar 26 2015, 7:40am international /
prose /
Do YOU need more proof - indefinite detention without charge or trial, genital groping by DHS perverts, rendition, legalised torture, secret legal assassination lists etc; that is America TODAY and it's a very sad case principally because the people wear it without massive opposition. And if you decide to oppose this criminal police State you face legal summary execution at the hands of the police, which have been given almost free rein to suppress and oppress the population. The 'free' USA today makes the former totalitarian Soviet Union look tame -- at least they staged mock trials before eliminating dissenters.
And if you think it couldn't happen here - Australia, or any other U.S. vassal, think again, as it's happening as I write, the data retention Bill, which spies on everyone, has passed through the Senate into law with an overwhelming majority, proving that both major parties are bought and owned by the same ultra-conservative corporate interests. In fact, Bills of suppression/oppression were passed many years ago under John Howard, and only one homosexual Senator, Bob Brown, raised a limp-wristed feeble objection without continued pursuit, and nothing was done about it -- so much for poof power! But clearly the majority is even weaker so 'onya Bob for at least having a go, feeble though it was - btw, I'm not a homo-phobe but a realist, how does the race persist with men arse-fuckling and dykes twat-licking, I ask the gay community, but to return to the point?
The difference between Aussies and 'septics' (Americans) is we are not as weak-knee'd or as servile to authority, however, U.S. arse-licking conservative politician extra-ordinaire, John Howard, was acutely aware of the problem and so began the art of 'incremental poltics' in Oz, which simply means, little by little, and before you know it, you're in chains and wondering how it all happened. Well LOOK at the meta-data Bill and sweeping new terrorist laws, though Oz has to create 'terrorists' and stage events (Martin Place) in order to pass Bills that are supremely anti-democratic and broadly oppressive, goodbye free Australia. [Don't you think it's about time to withdraw ALL support from major parties -- it's a two-horse, ONE STABLE race, morons!?]
Enough preamble, this is how it ends.
From Daily Kos:
"Comply or Die"
"Comply or Die" appears to be the prevailing attitude among too many police in minority [or worker] neighborhoods:
Do exactly what I say, and we'll get along fine.
Do not question me or talk back in any way.
You do not have the right to object to anything I may say or ask you to do, or ask for clarification if my demands are unclear or contradictory.
You must obey me under all circumstances without hesitation, no matter how arbitrary, unreasonable, discriminatory, or blatantly racist my commands may be.
Anything other than immediate perfect servile compliance will be labeled as resisting arrest, and expose you to the possibility of a violent reaction from me.
That reaction could cause you severe injury or even death.
And I will suffer no consequences.
It's your choice: Comply, or die.
And if you imagine the police were created to serve the public/majority, don't kid yourselves, have you ever noticed the symbolic chequer pattern that continues to adorn police insignia -- it's Masonic, and never was there a more powerful, self-interested and secretive minority elite organisation.
From Oz ADF Manual:
S543 says in part:
“Dead and wounded dissidents, if identifiable, mus be removed immediately by the police ... When being reported, dissident and own casualties are categorised merely as dead or wounded. To inhibit propaganda exploitation by the dissidents the cause of the casualties (for example, ‘shot’) is not reported. A follow-up operation should be carried out to maintain the momentum of the dispersing crowd.”
So 'whacko-the-diddle-o', morons -- sorry international readers I'm not translating the local vernacular.