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HYPOCRITE Obama - A320 crash “heartbreaking” … so many children on board
by tori Wednesday, Mar 25 2015, 12:23am
international / prose / post

The recent loss of the German A320 airbus in the French Alps with 150 dead is a tragic accident and our sympathy goes out to those impacted by the tragic disaster. However, when the leader of the world’s leading child-killing nation pretends sorrow over the loss of children on board it only amplifies the crimes, outrageous hypocrisy and double standards of the USA, and there is no avoiding the millions of children murdered by the US in its illegal wars of resource appropriation/THEFT.


In Iraq alone 500,000 children died as a direct result of US sanctions and embargos on medical supplies to Iraq before the illegal invasion, many western European nations also participated in the sanctions.

U.S. credibility and genuine concern in international eyes is in the gutter. On every occasion that U.S. child killing HYPOCRITES open their murdering mouths the alternative media will ram the hard truth down their murdering throats.

Obama continues the NEEDLESS, hugely destructive, “perpetual war” doctrine of the neo-cons even as I write but he IGNORES the cost in innocent lives, they don’t count in American eyes, no “heartbreak,” no “tragedy” when the USA murders!

The toll of lost innocent lives today numbers in the MILLIONS, so save your FAKE crocodile tears and platitudes for the corporate puppets in Congress as the WORLD KNOWS BETTER, you murdering, LYING, dog!

The WORLD has had a gut-full of American lies, crimes and HYPOCRISY.

See link below from the Telegraph UK to view hypocritical murdering Obama pretending he is something he is NOT:

UPDATE - 27 March

It now appears that the co-pilot deliberately crashed the plane. See latest report here.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1522.html