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When States Murder
by lance Tuesday, Mar 17 2015, 2:47am
international / prose / post

When a State murders human beings for whatever reason it is not an act of law it is as it is, a primitive, uncivilised, barbaric act of murder.

Joko Obama
Joko Obama

It has recently been revealed that Indonesian president Joko Widodo has spared the lives of three convicted Indonesian murderers scheduled to be executed. This act of apparent clemency seems only to apply to locals as despite the numerous international appeals for mercy and clemency at the highest levels, two convicted Australian drug smugglers have been excluded from the president’s ‘benevolent’ (political) actions to date.

Indonesia does not stand alone, numerous Muslim Gulf States enforce the death penalty for all manner of minor and major 'crimes.’ However, it should not be forgotten that the hypocritical ‘Christian’ USA also executes citizens, which constitutes the greater injustice today as the USA pretends to be a civilised and moral nation -- in stark contrast to the 'primitive barbarian Muslims', which religion it demonises and exploits in order to pursue its ‘perpetual war’ agenda. Indeed, the USA has legalised torture, indefinite detention without trial or charge, and extra-judicial murders of anyone it secretly chooses. So a western holier than thou attitude is misplaced and would only indicate ignorance and/or bigotry.

Nevertheless, from the moral viewpoint nations/states that enforce the death penalty should be treated by the civilised world as the pariah States that they are, and that includes the holier than thou, hypocritical USA.

Widodo’s recent action is politically transparent, it indicates that he is either attempting to feign a generous civilised spirit to the local population before he executes foreigners or it could also indicate that he is ready to grant clemency to two Australians and perhaps others on death row, we shall see!

Whatever his final decision may be, Widodo should be acutely aware that everything comes at a cost and if the Australian PM had any balls, not just a stupid big mouth, severe consequences could easily become a reality for developing Indonesia, which relies heavily on other nations as do most other nations in the region.

In view of current world reality not even the powerful (myth) USA could survive alone -- pariah status for any nation means complete ruin. Widodo and Obama should make every effort to join the civilised world before both, in time, become economically and strategically isolated. However, of the two nations, America is without doubt the most criminally culpable, heinous and immoral as its violent and destructive record clearly indicates.

We at least hope that Indonesia sees the light as the child-killing, criminal USA is beyond redemption.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1509.html