PM Tony Abbott Supports Criminal Corporations Ripping Off Oz Taxpayers
by cyd Monday, Mar 2 2015, 8:09am
international /
prose /
Conservative parties are known to be ideologically committed to the corporate sector, a completely undemocratic attitude which should be challenged by the electorate. That commitment has recently extended to turning a blind eye to corporate fraud, massive breaches of retail trade practises and huge financial fraud.
In the recent past the current Oz PM, Tony Abbott, has openly supported the criminal corporate sector in parliament, while as PM he abuses and places unfair financial burdens on the most vulnerable in society. Notwithstanding Abbott’s callous and heartless un-Australian attitude, his reprehensible attempts to make up shortfalls in revenue by targeting the most vulnerable in the community speak volumes about this man’s real character and attitude toward the public – it is widely known that the primary cause of low government revenue is the failure to regulate and tax tax-avoiding transnational corporations (‘free’ trade for whom?) and corporations that procure government contracts which allow them to milk the system when conservative governments are in power.
The ABC Four Corners program has recently revealed that Australian taxpayers are being defrauded by the private employment sector to the tune of one BILLION dollars per annum, which money is funnelled through government contracts with little or no oversight by the corporate favouring Abbott government.
It becomes extremely clear in this news documentary (below) that Abbott and his hand-picked lackey ministers -- after eighteen months in government -- have failed miserably in their duty to the nation and to responsibly and fairly execute their particular portfolios, their performance is nothing short of a national disgrace and scandal. While parasitic corporations have free rein and continue to plunder the nation, Abbott constantly repeats that he is only interested in responsible government – however, the people after being duped into voting for him have long since stopped listening and only want him and his front bench REMOVED.
After viewing the following documentary every Australian should make every effort to disseminate this material by email and posting to every social media network available. The sooner this man and his insular, arrogant party are removed from the political landscape the sooner Australia will begin to recover. After eighteen hopeless months of Abbott’s inept, callous and thoroughly despicable corporate friendly government, TIME IS UP!
I would add that the following documentary only scratches the surface of the massive irregularities and huge corporate frauds and crimes that are currently PLAGUING the AUSTRALIAN nation.