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Dunce Oz Lib government and Dunce ABC Journalist Leigh Sales
by stan Tuesday, Feb 10 2015, 6:42pm international /
prose /
After barely surviving a leadership spill on Monday, sitting imbecile PM, Tony Abbott, said that, “good government starts today,” after eighteen wasted, appalling months in office, which comment clearly highlights his ONGOING INCOMPETENCE and gaffe prone temperament, his spineless party was rumbled into giving him another six months to prove he is something that he CLEARLY is not.
Leigh '24 hour' Sales
Abbott is nothing if not CONSISTENT, he has already proven during his ENTIRE political career that he is incapable of adapting to change. The decision of his peers to allow this clearly incompetent, self-obsessed idiot to continue for another six months as leader of the nation is reflective of the competency VOID that plagues the entire Liberal Party. Front bench ministers had their chance on Monday; regardless of the chances of initial success a REAL contender of CHARACTER would have gained huge support from the PEOPLE which would have ensured a walk-in after a second inevitable challenge. Another golden opportunity wasted by gutless Liberal ministers foolishly tolerating a ‘dead man walking.’
Leigh Sales of the ABC had a perfect opportunity to nail treasurer Joe Hockey to the wall over the government’s WASTEFUL spending, particularly in defence, I of course refer to the order of seventy two F-35 PROVEN flying lemons and the crippling associated costs of this Washington forced purchase. Numerous informed nations are cancelling purchases of this expensive flying brick but not supine Abbott and Hockey, WHY, Ms. Sales?
During the interview Hockey had the gall to assert that his projected ‘offshore’ spending on submarines (also in hundreds of billions) was justified as he stressed the importance of defence -- so why didn’t you shove the hundreds of wasted billions on the F-35‘s down his stupid, lying throat Ms Sales, the purchase of that failed aircraft has surrendered air supremacy to our Asian neighbours and THEY KNOW IT?
The public depends on competent journalists to EXPOSE the contradictions and LIES of government as they occur and remain ‘uncorrected.’ It seems that Leigh Sales is also a victim of the mass media’s 24 hour news cycle designed to wipe the public’s memory clean each day. Well, not so the alternative digital media.
Choke on the following pathetic interviews of Hockey and defence minister, Kevin ‘Haneef’ Andrews -- this proven incompetent clown shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions involving kindergarten sand pits let alone make decisions that affect our nation.
It all adds up to the worst, most incompetent government that Oz has ever seen, simply review the past 18 months for verification -- one the nation is forced to endure for another six months due to the lack of spine in all conservative politicians. And you needn’t gloat, Mr good-for-nothing Shorten, your time in the cross-hairs is fast approaching, you useless prick.