Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Let It Go
by rayn Monday, Feb 9 2015, 8:35am
international / poetry / post

do rivers require help
flowing to the sea
or does the grass need
assistance to grow?

in its place everything glides effortlessly
but out of place life becomes toil and chaos

misguided and perverse souls
write ‘holy’ texts
and make pronouncements, with ‘authority’
to enslave and displace humanity
from its natural
harmony and power

they then declare
that life is a veil of tears
and that blood and sweat
are the natural state of humankind

the few know better
and are easily able to discern truth from
the lies that poison minds
and enslave humanity

take time to walk at night
during a full moon
and allow it to teach u
how easy it all is
when you have not
been displaced
from your rightful place

allow the sun and all life
to guide and teach u during day
and allow the moon to soothe u at night;
before long
u will understand all that is worth knowing

this universe is an open book
and its creator does not hide
behind the lies of men

read the natural world
which perverse humanity
fears and attempts to destroy,
overcome perversity and ignorance,
u were born free and no man has
natural authority over another.

the tide ebbs and flows
the salty wind invigorates my face
i lift my head and catch the last
stars that defer their light
to the golden orb
and breaking day

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1469.html