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Greece may lead Europe back to Freedom and Independence
by yanis Tuesday, Feb 3 2015, 11:03pm
international / prose / post

Greece has adopted the goose and gander approach to its current economic problems, what is good for one is good or even better for the other. How so? Consider Central and mega-Banks of the world that caused the global economic collapse of 2008, and realise that no-one was held accountable for the monumental frauds, deceptions and crimes perpetrated by these mega-banks.


The new leader of Greece has a very common sense solution to his nation’s imposed debt and austerity in that the same should apply to Greece as applied to international bankers in 2008, that is, cancel debt as bankers cancelled their crimes! From an Australian perspective that is fair play -- anyone got anything to say about imposed debt slavery and the illusion of freedom?

The world is watching you, Syriza, do not ‘drop your bundle’ and cave to the criminal bankers -- the FREE people of the WORLD are with you all the way.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1461.html