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The Sociopathic Global Elite
by jude - Editorial team Monday, Feb 2 2015, 9:04pm
international / prose / post

We have made numerous references to an unrepresentative, mega-wealthy (the most accurate identifier), criminal global elite on this site. These sick bastards are behind all the wars that have been waged over the past 15 years, and the wars that are being waged today. However, these supreme COWARDS never show their faces, they work through CORRUPT and traitorous puppet politicians, which include all members of all major (owned) political parties WORLD-WIDE.

It is intriguing that the populations of the most 'advanced' western nations are, in the main, ignorant of the fact that western governments serve these sick bastards and not the people/MAJORITY they are commissioned to serve.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that the majority/masses wield the most power and are able at ANY TIME to restore peace, equality, harmony and justice to any society that has been hijacked by psychopathic elites.

The following video highlights the facts and confronts all western societies to take back their nations/governments and hold all puppet politicians and the plutocrats they serve, Mr Murdoch (to name one only), to account.

It is YOUR world, do not believe otherwise. The terrified (fact) elite, number only a few hundred globally yet via their privately owned mass media they are able to dupe billions.

It's time to wake up to REALITY and surgically remove the pestilence from all our societies before it's too late -- there is no time to waste!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1459.html