Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by rayn Wednesday, Jan 14 2015, 7:40am
international / poetry / post

when things remain the same
it becomes a challenge to supply
new information

i am beginning to feel
like a bureaucrat, God forbid,
or worse a politician filling the blanks
with rhetorical padding and pure bullshit

no, that course is only for the feeble minded
and i leave each to their own

i have an idea!

rather than pad and deflect
i will reiterate
but deliver the horrid reality
in a more palatable form,
like cyanide

change perhaps

a species that imposes limits on itself
is not able to overcome those self-imposed

there are too many cultural limits
to list here, however,
there is one that sticks in my craw
as myriad other limitations relate
or are based on it

and that is, the gross misconception
that everything must have an origin
or beginning -- a pre-requisite need of
measurement, the obsession of science

you ask, has the species awakened
to the immeasurable and ineffable
splendour of continuous existence
or infinity?

only a very few, not near enough to make
the directional change required to save
the species and planet

i am aware of the alternative should the species
fail to understand the nature of harmony
and i accept that that failure must be shared
by me and you, yet i shoulder no guilt
or blame if i am forced to flick the switch
on this evolutionary failure

u think it harsh or cruel,

you brandish ur ignorance
as u know there is nothing harsh
or cruel in the perfection
of infinity

so who or what survives?
those of course that have no beginning or end
as they do not identify with their limited

all-knowing consciousness would then be free
to inhabit a far more suitable vehicle, one more
able to participate in harmony
and enhance rather than detract
from creation

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1431.html