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Howard to Face ICC -- The Wheels of Justice turn slowly but grind exceedingly Fine
by judd Tuesday, Jan 13 2015, 9:14am
international / prose / post

Oz has always been the weak link in the globalist push to launch its ‘perpetual war’ ideology which allows bankers and corporatists to conduct clearly criminal actions via the militaries of puppet governments and steal the precious natural resources of weaker non-US compliant nations.

John 'aluminium tubing' Howard - may you hang by the neck!
John 'aluminium tubing' Howard - may you hang by the neck!

The US at the outset, when a wary world would not have a bar of it, formed what was known as “the coalition of willing criminals” in order to illegally invade Iraq, which criminal action resulted in the first human holocaust of the 21st century. The coalition laughingly only consisted of two other nations besides the instigating USA, the UK, governed by war criminal Tony Blair, and US vassal Australia, which was governed at the time by the most cowardly man to ever take office in Oz , John Howard, the criminal coward!

The weak link in this nefarious plot has always been Australia, as Oz has a long history of fair play and an adherence to Justice, which can be traced all the way back to penal colony days when most ‘Aussies’ were unjustly and unfairly convicted in order to supply a bonded work-force for undeveloped new British colonial acquisitions -- so it's in our national character to oppose all forms of exploitation, slavery and INJUSTICE and former PM John Howard has, by abandoning Oz values and becoming nauseatingly servile to the criminal USA, severely compromised himself as he now faces the possibility of a war crimes trial -- an application has already been accepted at the Hague.

Of course the application was made by Aussies that will not allow traditional values to be eroded by the likes of the criminal UK and USA and their Australian political puppets, like Howard and Abbott.

There is no doubt about Howard’s crimes and guilt and his complicity in the crime of the century, which was the illegal invasion of Iraq, a crime now known to be an orchestrated event based on a raft of LIES and FABRICATIONS.

The summarised charge sheet is below:

PDF Document Summarised Charge Sheet

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1430.html