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Indonesia Shits in Abbott’s gutless Face
by darcy Thursday, Jan 8 2015, 7:45am
international / prose / post

Recently, as some may recall, Tony Abbott ordered the AFP to close the case -- ongoing since 1975 -- against the known murderers of the ‘Balibo five.’ Abbott’s cowardly and sucking act was made in order to curry favour with the new Indonesian president, Joko Widodo, as Australia’s coastal guard and navy have been routinely breaching Indonesian sovereignty by illegally entering Indonesian coastal waters, Abbott was desperately, illegally and ineptly attempting to contain the refugee boats leaving Indonesian shores.

Howard and Abbott
Howard and Abbott

Abbott’s cowardly and supine action in closing the AFP case was made in the full knowledge of conclusive proof the NSW coroner unearthed during the course of the investigation into the deaths of the Balibo five. However, the new Indonesian president has accurately assessed Oz’s new gutless, lackey PM as a US puppet no-account lacking all independent volition.

That assessment has resulted in Joko Widodo denying a personal appeal for clemency and thereby allowing the brutal and inhuman execution of two of the Bali nine drug mules to proceed, which, I would add, the Howard government surrendered to Indonesian authorities on information obtained from the father of one of the hapless drug couriers.

The point is that local authorities could have easily apprehended the Bali nine on information received but instead decided to make a deal with the clearly primitive and barbaric Indonesians. It was John Howard that wished to curry favour in order to obtain consent for the traitorous AFP to investigate possible terrorist suspects on Indonesian soil, no doubt on behalf of the detested, civilian killing Americans!

As is readily apparent the actions of both cowardly conservative leaders is clear, they would readily sell-out the lives of Oz citizens and JUSTICE in order to preserve their political positions and please their American masters -- it’s enough to turn any Aussie’s gut!

Gutless Abbott has already given a press statement, which makes clear that Abbott will not jeopardise his one-sided relationship with Joko Widodo, even at the expense of publicly wearing a huge Indonesian turd on his lying and duplicitous, cowardly face.

Mr Abbott, the reality is the ‘Joko’ is on you!

Not only is Abbott a lying dunce but his cowardice is now a matter of Indonesian and international mirth -- we hold the conservative leaders Howard and Abbott completely responsible for the deaths of any unfortunate and foolish drug mule but especially hold Abbott personally responsible for not pursuing justice in regard to the slaughter of five Australian journalists in Balibo.

To prevent Abbott doing any more damage to Australia he should be placed on trial for his widely known calculated fraud and deceit in relation to stealing the highest office in the land. This is not a matter of apathy or indecision but is an imperative if Oz wishes to be respected as a sovereign nation in its own right.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1424.html