Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Nose-ringed American ‘Alternative’ Media
by sam Wednesday, Dec 10 2014, 9:52pm
international / prose / post

There they go again, distracted like a child with a piece of candy -- the REAL issue is the ongoing crimes America is committing DAILY -- even as I write -- you brainless dunces. The torture report is serving the elite to DISTRACT morons like the imbecilic, nose-ringed ‘alternative media,’ which is clearly unable to remain focused on the REAL ISSUES of continuing and ongoing crimes committed by the executive. Now pull your thumbs out of your stupid arses, which you seem to be using as your brains, you imbeciles, AND ATTACK!

Institute proceedings in the international court and prosecute ALL previous and ONGOING war and other crimes against humanity committed by the puppet executive for the ruling elites, which are having a good ol’ time leading you all by the nose -- pathetic!


and UNICEF report:


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1384.html