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The Seven Hells
by jude Friday, Nov 28 2014, 10:17pm
international / poetry / post


1. Doubt

[there is no greater folly than to doubt
oneself -- the purity, truth and integrity
of innocence is slaughtered by doubt.

what greater crime could be perpetrated
on oneself than to deny the integrity of

2. Ignorance

[ignorance arises when the connection
to all knowledge is severed by the compromise
of integrity and the truth of our unique existence
in universal Creation.]

3. Fear

[fear arises from doubt, Self denial
and ignorance; no longer anchored on the rock
of universal truth, the reality of
one’s creation/place/existence in the continuum,
we begin to fear as we become subject to external,
perverse forces.]

3. Restriction

[the result of fear is restriction, the worst kind,
a self-imposed prison.

what was once free flowing continuity
becomes stagnant, contained in an impregnable jail;
within that jail a padlocked cell
imprisons those that compromise themselves
-- though the key to the padlock
remains in the hand of the imprisoned!]

4. Slavery

[when personal sovereignty is lost, slavery ensues.]
what was once noble is now worthless,
would a King or Queen forfeit their crowns and become beggars,
dogs and eaters of excrement? Every man and every women
is a star, unique in the heavens -- where is the integrity of
your existence?]

5. Agony

[the more you compromise Self, the wider the chasm
between you and the exquisite peace and joy of
un-compromised existence/Truth. The bliss we inherit
from the joy our unique creation is lost, it has been traded
for a LIE, a monstrous perversity (culture) -- the price we pay for
our folly and discord is pain and suffering, the extent and
duration of which is measured by the degree of separation from Self/Harmony.]

6. Hopelessness

[hopelessness is the reward for Self-betrayal
and discord;
we now exist as dogs, slaves to external perverse forces
which delight in our misery so continue in their horrid
abuse of the foolish and ignorant.]

7. World

[the seventh hell is the reality we create as perverse beings;
nothing good ever issued from something bad and rotten.

our reality is the world we live in today --
and what a sorry social reality/Hell that is!]

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1360.html