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War Effectively Declared on Russia
by ben Sunday, Nov 23 2014, 10:50pm
international / prose / post

All imperialist (corporate) wars are economic wars waged to secure resources and/or territory. When economic sanctions and trade embargoes are applied to any nation the offending nation is effectively declaring war on the targeted nation. And so we see a pattern repeated in the post-modern age, trade embargoes, financial and economic sanctions then open military conflict.

Xi and Putin, performing
Xi and Putin, performing

Now, the US and its vassals have declared (economic) war on Russia, no secret, and if history teaches us anything those sanctions and embargoes are followed by military campaigns under some pretext or another. The flash-point no doubt is the Ukraine, so expect a major escalation in that region soon.

The point is that mouse Putin, who allowed western powers to install offensive missile systems on his borders, an unprecedented acquiescence for Russia, failed to appropriately act to ensure Russian security and sovereignty. In so doing Russia has actually invited war in its many forms and its cowardly leader is the chief offender in this regard. Putin has done very little to confront and curtail western expansionism over the past few decades, a stark contrast to the historical behaviour of the USSR.

Putin is faced with either displaying some new ‘Martian ray gun’ that could vaporise nations or opposing these forces in kind by installing similar installations where possible throughout the world targeting US and other western offending powers. It is no secret that western imperialists are determined to see Russia (and China in the future) subjugated or completely “contained,” as the Pentagon puts it -- that is if those two superpowers do not accede to western demands, which Russia and to a lesser extent China have done.

Shaking hands and attempting currency and trade deals with a few other nations is too little too late, as Russia and China were urged to drop the dollar dependency some years back, notwithstanding the disruption that would have caused in the short term. Nevertheless, for targeted nations, dropping dollar dependency was and is an IMPERATIVE regardless of the temporary jolt to the local economy; Gaddafi, abandoned by Russia and China, very bravely or naively tried to return Africa to a gold standard and was murdered for his efforts, Gaddafi's and Libya's substantial wealth was stolen by western banking interests and his nation ruined by western imperialist powers -- so much for the 'humanitarian' pretext. However, Russia and China are real forces to contend with, any temporary disadvantage caused by dumping the dollar would have been overcome as many nations would have followed the two Asian superpowers, particularly as these two nations together have critical/huge trade leverages, which, if utilised combatively, would economically ruin the vast majority of western nations, so dependent are they on Asian manufacturing and other critical resources.

I need not labour the point of Russia’s reckless passivity to western aggression but would emphasise the need to stand the west down by an all-out (now unavoidable) nuclear confrontation, as the west has proven that it will not stop unless stopped by external, overwhelming forces.

It really is that simple and necessary for Putin, as the US/NATO now enters the final violent stages of its well known, tired, but un-opposed, pathetic and obvious strategy.

The imperative for Russia and China today is clear, so what would you, Mr Putin and Mr Xi, subservience or sovereignty?

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1353.html