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Gaza and the American Ideology of Perpetual War
by mick Monday, Sep 24 2012, 12:07am
international / prose / post

Before the masses get thoroughly intoxicated on the 'attack Iran' propaganda and vile LIES of the CFR/corporate controlled mass media, try an remember previous attempts at the, 'give war a chance,' neo-con philosophy. It is incriminating history today that neo-con psychopaths Condoleezza Rice and John Bolton actually promoted the Israeli attacks on the Gaza strip when it was in their power to prevent the slaughter of children and other innocents.

The completely unnecessary and futile war on Gaza resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent children seeking shelter in UN safe havens, which were intentionally targeted and subject to relentless Israeli artillery barrages. Those grossly criminal acts and other violations of international convention remain unpunished to this day -- but God help you if you are a Muslim jay-walking!

The Israeli targeting of innocent children and civilians in UN designated safe locations remains -- with the fully documented slaughter of innocent Tamils by the murdering Sri Lankan military -- some of the most flagrant, unpunished war crimes committed this century.

But let's not forget who sets the standard for all these heinous criminal acts. All the atrocities attributed to other nations combined do not match the millions -- over six million according to MIT researchers -- of INNOCENT civilians SLAUGHTERED by the USA since Vietnam -- one million in Iraq alone.

So if you're looking for the REAL terrorists you'll find them on Capitol Hill, in Tel Aviv and on Wall Street.


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-135.html