Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Incapable ...
by lex Saturday, Sep 22 2012, 12:28pm
international / poetry / post

of making the leap
into real freedom,
away from religious belief, logic
or the prison of science,
which bases its views
on measurement,
the quantifiable
when the universe/existence
is continuous,
and immeasurable!

it seems this terrestrial sphere
is a dumping ground
for the tragic turds of creation,
the home of dunces and retards
where perversities
are taken for reality
and reality is ignored

just once
to understand,
break your bonds
and realise that continuum
has no beginning or end,
it is ONE continuous process,
no past or future

wherefore this obsession with beginnings
and endings when there is no past or future
existence is now,
or would you care to produce
the past or the future?

if you must delude yourselves
could you possibly do it without killing each other
and everything else around you?

why is it so difficult to live in harmony
and peace,
do you think selfishness and avarice are admirable qualities
upon which to base social existence?

do you not remember your body of light
before it was encased in dross/flesh?

try and recall who you really are
and why you exist

recognise your relationship
with each other and the world around you,
everything is ONE voluptuous movement/dance;
notions of separation are pure perversity, vanity,
we are all part of the great unfolding of Creation.

but i apologise for momentarily distracting
you from your morbidity, fear and malevolence,
there are people to kill,
environments to pollute,
wars to wage and avarice
to feed.

[Learn to co-operate, you are facing extinction, you mindless morons.]

"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite" -- William Blake

"The gates of Paradise are wide open, no-one is excluded -- only man denies himself and imprisons himself in ignorance, fear and darkness." -- Anonymous

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-132.html