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The so-called ‘Dark Web’
by ferrite Wednesday, Oct 8 2014, 9:44am
international / prose / post

Today the underground or dark web is estimated to be a whopping 50 times larger than the known surface web -- reason, reaction to hyper-intrusive government agencies and law enforcement that are known to break laws more often than they enforce them.

Assange and Schmidt
Assange and Schmidt

Of course privacy is a fundamental need of all human beings as it allows for self-integration much like how sleep revives the system and refreshes layers of the unconscious mind; privacy is not a debatable issue it is essential for every human being whether they know it or not.

It is known that a form of torture and ‘breaking individuals’ is to keep them under constant critical surveillance and so we have the perverse and extremely foolish attempt by the global elite to create a total surveillance global society, which of course is doomed to failure by its very nature -- the underground or Dark Web verifies that FACT!

Whether or not the propaganda that active agent Ed Snowden transmits relating to mass surveillance was designed to intimidate the public and tighten existing psychological control mechanisms or it is in fact genuine ‘whistle-blowing’ in the public interest is unknown for the most part but what is known is that it clearly is a self-defeating, ill-advised endeavour, as the immense volume of traffic on the dark web proves.

Regulatory agencies claim that the dark web is the haunt of criminals and anti-social types but consider its size and try to imagine the millions that use the surface web multiplied by 50, the figures reached easily prove that the VAST MAJORITY of users are people that simply prefer privacy not criminality in which western governments today shamelessly excel!

But this is not a story it is rather an announcement from a very private group of law abiding citizens. The Dark Web is a direct result of government perversity and its idiotic need to intrude into EVERYONE’S private lives -- and you can forget the propaganda/bullshit, “if you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t worry about pan surveillance” -- it’s not about criminality it’s about human health and fundamental human needs, you paranoid surveillance-obsessed cretins!

Regardless of what fifth rate hackers and engineers that work for governments contrive, nature ENSURES that genius appears with its integrity and hyper-broad spectrum view, and defies the criminal intentions of governments and their moron agencies. The fact is, though types like Snowden go to great lengths to create a false impression, that most agency personnel can barely find their dicks to take a piss -- I’m sorry I am not aware of a female version of this illustration!

For fuck’s sake, a multitude of agencies have been desperately searching for members of our group for over 12 years, since we first appeared on Melbourne Indy (MIM), the capture count to date, ZERO!

We have owned the wire ever since its early development, members were around at the very beginning in the late 70's and have maintained strict anonymity or privacy ever since -- it’s all mathematics no mysteries, but the prize goes to the best of the best and most skilled. Only fifth raters work for the man, be assured!

So how do governments expect to compete or contain something that is beyond their capability?

To make it very clear, whatever they do we undo, whatever code they create we break, we see them but they cannot see us, we are inside their systems and our domains are clean -- if they really knew to what extent we are able to control THEIR systems they would shit blue lightning!

A few words on the linked story that prompted this reaction. Google’s Eric ‘sweetie’ Schmidt is full of shit, he has been in partnership with the CIA for years and has regularly attended Bilderberg meetings, our advice to sweetie Schmidt, with whom we have played games in the past, is to come out and openly embrace his homosexuality.

Assange is another deeply flawed personality, the best advice we could offer this known autocrat is to cease admiring his own image/reflection and study the selflessness of Buddhism.

Meanwhile, the underground web brims with life and grows exponentially even as I write.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1302.html