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Oz AG "Brandis promises no torture"
by Murdoch lackey journos via steve - The Australian Saturday, Sep 20 2014, 12:46pm
international / prose / post

Make of this Murdoch press article (link below) what you will but remember it was Murdoch that praised his puppet, PATHOLOGICALLY LYING Tony Abbott, as a "man to be admired!"

Murdoch, media magnate but unqualified to manage a nation
Murdoch, media magnate but unqualified to manage a nation

It took some time for Abbott's AG George Brandis to make an announcement after the community outcry relating to his new bill that would allow regulatory and spy agencies to torture and intimidate whosoever they choose but respond (feebly) he finally did; George says it's "impossible" for our spy and other agencies to torture; well, is it George, as I have personally experienced cigarette-near-face, bashing during questioning, wet towel suffocation and gun in ear intimidation at the hands of local police and Feds and I'm not an Arab, Leb or Muslim, so please tell me more on your word George, you piece of lying shit -- the headline reads Brandis 'PROMISES' and we all know what a promise is worth coming from the current, integrity DEVOID government, don't we Mr Abbott?

Give Oz a break from feeble and simplistic LIES and DECEPTIONS, please -- the new bill as it stands allows for all sorts of abuses including torture -- that is the HARD REALITY.

If you or your LYING, duplicitous boss Tony Abbott mean business then withdraw/review the bill and present other alternatives. This is Oz mate and feeble American style LIES and hollow 'promises' do not cut it here -- try and impress that on Washington the next time they order you to change policies so they are not alone as the only torturing criminal western nation -- you despicable treasonous, American arse-licking Liberals (and Labor is no better!) Remember that ruling plutocrats install puppet leaders from both owned major parties.

There is also the legal matter of gaining the highest office in the land by false pretences -- the population currently thinks 'REMOVE ABBOTT NOW' -- let's wait a little till we hear that chant in the streets of all capital cities Mr Brandis, or do you wish to interrogate me with a burning cigarette, wet (suffocation) towel, numerous impacts over the head with a telephone book or targeted kicks to the groin? Please tell me again that it's impossible to torture, Mr Brandis and pray to God that I don't bump into you or Abbott in the street, the INJUSTICES I have been dealt now scream for JUSTICE!

See also:

Tony Abbott, incompetent moron and Murdoch's latest errand boy
Tony Abbott, incompetent moron and Murdoch's latest errand boy

George Brandis -- pathetic!
George Brandis -- pathetic!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1289.html